To Take Care An Over-sized Reptile

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I continued to watch the creature as it continued to mark me of sorts before I found the courage to actually pet it back and it was new experience for me to finally touch Godzilla, well the baby one at least.

" I think this kid needs a little more food than an average human needs" My father said and I blinked out of my stupor and made a hum of agreement "I think we also need a new reptile nest" My father went out to go get another rounds of barrel of fish while I try to make baby Godzilla pry away from me.

Unfortunately, once a baby knows security, it clings on it like a koala.

"Dad can you hurry up on the food. I think this guy is getting pretty hungry" I called one when it began to slowly chew on my green coat, thinking it was food but then spat the contents out. Well, there goes my coat.

Dad came in with a cart filled with dozens of fish inside "This may be old but beggars can't be choosers at what they eat" Dad said and soon enough, baby Godzilla moved away from me and began to devour all of the fish in a fast rate.

"Wow, that little boy sure can eat a buffet"

Dad mused and I couldn't help but agree and it only took literally 2 minutes before the baby was satisfied and sleepy. Now the problem is to find a place for him to sleep in "Maybe outside the warehouse to the sea is a good place for him to sleep. He is after all an animal from the sea" I nodded before slowly and cautiously gestured the baby outside.

My dad gave me  spare blankets for the baby and I ended up making a nest blanket for an average human. Baby Godzilla let out a curious noise "Okay, here is your bed and if you need anything just scream or make a noise. My bed room is just two stories up" I petted the guy in the head before I stood up.

I never even got to three steps before something chomped down on whatever that remains in my coat and ended up getting snuggled by a human sized baby reptile.


"Uh..Dad, I'm gonna have to sleep outside for tonight, the little guy doesn't want me to go" I called out. My dad peeked through the door and looked at the two of us "Do you need me to camp outside with you?" I shook my head. I know this guy won't hurt me judging by his affectionate display and I am not so certain of what baby Godzilla might do to dad.

" two have a goodnight's sleep"

My dad turned off the lights in the warehouse and I sighed before staring up at the stars glistening into the night while the sounds of a sleeping baby made me run my hands on its small arms.

What ever happened to my life that I deserve this?


He woke up to find out it was still dark and his stomach was already grumbling. His gaze shifted to the female laying down beside him. Had she gotten small? He shook his head and stood up in full height. The smell of fish inside the warehouse made his mouth water but he knew that if he did eat what was inside there, the female and her sire won't have anything to eat.

He turned to the sea and began to hunt down for fish and new food for the female, the smell inside the warehouse was enticing but it was old.

The female needed fresh food.



Why am I dripping wet?

I groaned and opened my eyes to blink back at the harsh sunlight before it was blocked by something towering over it. I shook my head and looked in front to see large clawed feet of a dinosaur and slowly looked up to his the face of a baby -No- the face of an adult sized Godzilla.

"How the heck did you get so tall in just one night?!"

He merely gave me a rumble in reply before dropping contents of fresh fish on top of me. I sputtered and spat out a fish in my mouth before looking at the Godzilla dinosaur in front of me. The door opened and out comes my father with cooked food.

"Morning pumpkin, how's our little - Oh!"

Godzilla roared out loud and my dad blinked "Guess we need more fish than I thought" I gaped at my father "You are seriously not freaking out on this?" My dad merely shrugged "Kid's grow up and all parents knew it they always grow up so fast" I gave him a deadpanned look.

"No child grows overnight, do you think we fed him too much?" 

My dad shook his head "Maybe its his biological chemicals that gave him a sudden growth spurt. He may be big now but I doubt his mind is that of an adult yet, remember cousin Jeff?" I shook my head and gave Godzilla a smile.

"Uh...Thanks for the fishes!"


He felt proud he was able to do something for the female and her sire. He roared out in appreciation before he swam down to the sea, he needed to eat again. And maybe build a nest not far from where she is and not far from where he scented his father is.


"Where do you think he's going now?"

I asked my dad once the spiked dorsal fins of Godzilla vanished into the sea. My dad shrugged his shoulders "It could be that he's going off to search for a mate" I raised a brow "Really dad? That's the first thing that comes into your mind?" My dad hummed "He can't always be alone for the rest of his life. He needs someone, a companion maybe" I huffed.

And here I thought he was clingy to me last night.

"Don't worry about him, he can take care of himself out there"

My dad said in reassurance and I smiled slightly before looking at the time "Oh No! I'm going to be late for school!" I stood up and began packing my things I needed while my father hastily started the car.


My mind was exhausted.

I decided to take a small walk instead of the usual hailing a cab back to the warehouse. My mind needed peace and the outside world was just going to give it to me. A roar from  below the San Francisco bridge made me look down on the railings to see buoys making a sound similar to Godzilla.

And look who is taking the bait

The shadow of Godzilla was seen through the surface of the water and I didn't have a split decision on hailing a taxi and following those buoys and wherever they headed.


It didn't take long to find myself in private property and I was certainly not ready to meet an overgrown Godzilla holding a man in a red jacket and was about to eat him. 

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