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"Hey fish girl!" Cordula froze in her steps as she turned around to look back to see her number one bitch bully, namely Clarissa Wilmington. Cordula groaned as she turned away and continues on her fast paced walk to the path that would take her to H.E.A.T headquarters.

Unfortunately, Clarissa and her group of snob people wouldn't let her get away that easily "So..where are you going off when no one is around" Cordula stopped in her tracks and looked at Clarissa in puzzlement.

"Where else?"

"Oh please, as if I would believe you would immediately head straight to home when there had been rumors going on about a girl about your age accompanying some team to go off fending monsters and it kinda makes me wonder on you" Cordula scoffed, not wanting to stay anymore longer than absolutely necessary with them.

"Trust me Clarissa, there are thousands of girls across the country and only a few of you" Cordula stated "Besides it's just a rumor. I didn't think you would stoop that low to gossip" Clarissa gave an indignant noise when they heard a loud honk and they turned their attention to Joe Davis.

"Hey kiddo, need a lift?" Cordula could have thanked the heavens for the rescue as she immediately clambered onto the truck. Before Clarissa or her goons could say anything, Joe immediately sped away "You could handle almost every monster there is in the world and yet there I found you cornered by a bunch of college kids" Cordula pouted and crossed her arms.

"First of all, college kids are as energetic as those adolescent animals. Second, gossips flies over them"

Joe laughed as he ruffled her hair "So, heading off to Headquarters?" Cordula nodded and Joe made a sharp turn and headed towards H.E.A.T Headquarters "Be sure to be home before dinner" Cordula nodded and watched as Joe drove off.

She sighed before she entered the room to see Randy and Monique shaking hands "So...what did I miss this time?" Cordula asked "Oh just a report on Godzilla about his appetite and Randy commenting about Godzilla eating almost everything in sight" Cordula raised a brow towards Randy "Sounds like someone I know" Randy groaned.

"Not you too" Cordula shrugged her shoulders "I'm just stating a fact that I know" Randy narrowed his eyes at her which she gave him an innocent look "By the way, what did she say?"Randy asked Elsie who merely winked at him.

"Any theories regarding the missing researchers?"

Audrey's voice echoed in the TV screen and she was accompanied by a man, a good looking one anyways. Cordula glanced back at Nick to see the man now had his eyes narrowed down to the man Audrey was interviewing.

"Our investigation is just beginning but COM oil believes that the cause may be environmental. Possibly a shift in glacial movements"

"Do you believe there's a chance that these men are still alive?"

"Absolutely, in fact an expedition is headed to the area tomorrow. At COM oil, people come before profit"

Nick quickly shut the television off "Gee they make a cute couple, don't you think?" Nick glared at her "Funny" He said flatly.

"I wouldn't worry Nick" Mendel said in assurance "Where's Audrey gonna find another man who can give her all of this?" He said, gesturing to the clutter.

"I think that's your girl choices Mendel" Cordula said to Mendel before mouthing "Not Helping" with a glare.

Nick crossed his arms and huffed before he stood up and walked inside a separate room "I bet he's going to call Audrey" Elsie said smugly.

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