What Dreams May Come

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Cordula snuggled herself further to bed as she escaped the reality of the world where there was no worries for her life being in danger for some mutation problems or no worries for the school grades that seem to be going on and off for her as time went by.

Her dream however was consisting with her and the gang relaxing in a what appeared to be a remote island with Godzilla laying right beside it. What an ideal summer vacation dream.

"Hey Cordula, could you pass me on the sauce!" Elsie called out from underneath a beach umbrella with a magazine in her hands "I'm on it!' Cordula called out and she ran to where the ice box was. Godzilla let out a croon and she stared into the orange yellow eyes of her beloved monster.

"Hang in there big guy, food's almost ready" 

Godzilla gave her a long lick that made Cordula laugh and giggle before she heard her father calling out her name "Cordula!" She blinked and looked around, her friends seem like they didn't hear her father's scream.


"Cordula sweetheart! Wake UP!"

Cordula gasped when her eyes opened to nothing but blackness before a flashlight was shined down upon her and she squinted "Dad? What's going on?" Cordula moaned before she sat up from her bed to see her father light up a candle on her bed side table.

"Must have been a power shortage, you were really out of there in your dream. What was it all about?" Cordula crossed her arms and looked away "Nothing that you need to worry about" Just then, Cordula's phone began to ring and she shook her head in disbelief when she saw that it was Nick's number.

"Really? At this hour?" Cordula picked up her phone and Nick's voice echoed in her ears "Cordula, meet us at the complex building near the market. There's been a high voltage accident" Before Cordula could say anything, Nick hung up and Cordula sighed before hot coca was placed in her hands.

"At least you get to have something nice before you go off again this time" Cordula gave a small smile to her father as she quickly drank her drink and grab her coat.


The sound of sirens were the first things Cordula heard before the sight of the burnt complex. She made her way to growing crowd of people who had awoken early in the morning from the commotion.

She spotted Nick crouched down and picking up debris of what was left of the building and headed over to him "What happened here?" Cordula asked as she scanned the area "Gotta admit the damage done" Cordula muttered before Randy showed up with his dark green backpack along with a sluggish Mendel with N.I.G.E.L.

"Man, somebody really partied hard" Was the first thing Randy commented as Nick stood up to turn to them "Oh, I can't believe you dragged me out of bed at this hour" Mendel said as he looked at his wristwatch to check the time.

"They woke me, I woke you" Nick said, hinting the fact that if they sent him on a mission without his team's notice, he'll bring his team along the ride. Elsie was the last to come and Cordula noted that Monique was missing, usually the French Spy would be here early.

"So, what hit this place?" Elsie asked as she brought out her radiation transmitter and set it up. Cordula looked around and noticed sparks coming from some electrical wires.

"Power Surge?"

Cordula answered but it more of a question than a statement "I don't know why but this was the only building in the block affected" Nick said in a thoughtful look as he looked around to survey the area one more time.

"Let's run a computer search" Nick suggested and Mendel immediately went to work with N.I.G.E.L tailing behind him "Unusual Storms, Nearby Power Plants, anything that screams high voltage" Nick turned to Randy and Cordula who gave him a thumbs up "You got it jefe" Randy said as the two split up to search for anything out of the ordinary in and out of the building.

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