New Family (Part 2)

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When it reached the news that Godzilla was dead, Cordula wanted to kick someone, preferably the one who told the military where Godzilla was located and what was worse, she had been arrested, not literally, from her home and her father underwent house arrest and she was slowly taken to Nick and the others.

Someone better explain to me what is going on before I do something completely out of character.


Cordula burst through the door to see the team with looks of frustration on their faces and with them was Audrey and her camera man named Animal. Cordula glared at her "Please tell me you didn't tell the government about Godzilla because trust me, my right hook sent someone into the hospital" Audrey took a nervous step back as Cordula advanced on her.

Randy pulled her back "Easy there chica loca we don't want to rile up the extra company" He pointed out to the two soldier blocking the door and Cordula blew him a raspberry in reply before she sat in a vacant chair.

"Where's Nick?" 

"He's out talking to Major Hicks"

Cordula rose up a brow. What wold Major Hicks be doing out here and not investigating on the problem in Jamaica?

"How did you end up getting involved? As far as we know. Audrey never knew you very well much less your name"

Elsie asked and Cordula shrugged "Maybe somebody was watching us while we were doing our research. Whoever knew me knew where I lived. The soldiers got me when I was at school and my father went under house arrest" Felling a headache coming along, Cordula rubbed her forehead.


Thanks to Nick,the team got out safely however the problem was far from over.

"We're going to Jamaica?!"

There was an excited squeal coming out of Cordula's mouth as she looked at Nick who nodded. Elsie grinned "I'll have us book an early ticket flight to Jamaica for three, Mendel's coming along" Mendel smiled sheepishly.

"Well good, we could use N.I.G.E.L in scouting underwater. The black ink could only be caused by aquatic animals. Mainly Octopus, Cuttlefish and Squid"

Cordula narrowed it down to the three as Mendel and Elsie nodded to themselves "Alright. We'll meet you here tonight. I'll have the tickets prepared by tomorrow" Elsie said and Cordula nodded before she froze.

How was she going to tell this to dad?


"Don't forget to bring a weapon with you in case something bad shows up in Jamaica" 

Cordula held back an annoyed sigh when her father handed her a traveling backpack. He was okay with her going to Jamaica so long as she talk to him on the phone daily for a quick reassurance that she's safe.

"Don't worry dad, I'll be fine. Make sure not to get involved into any business outside your fishing company"

Joe hummed before kissing her on the forehead as she hailed a taxi "Be careful out there champ, go make your old man proud" Cordula grinned as she waved him goodbye as the taxi drove off.


She had arrived just in time to see Nick and Randy packing "Hey guys, where are Mendel and Elsie?" Cordula asked before she heard someone approaching from behind her and turned to see Elsie wearing a sunhat "Ta da! Craven, Cordula and I are ready for Jamaica!" She said, waving three tickets in her hands. 

"I my flu shots" Mendel said before he sneezed prompting Nick, Elsie and Cordula to flinch from his sneeze.

"If there is another creature down there, we'll be on top of it" Elsie explained to Nick "Fine, Randy and I will join you as soon as possible" Nick agreed and the three of them were off to Jamaica.

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