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Dawn was one of the times Cordula didn't want to wake up in her bed, mainly because the wind would be a freezing temperature and she would just be too comfortable in her bed to get up.

But all of that changed.

"Cordula, Godzilla's here" Eyes snapping open and blinking her vision's haze, Cordula grabbed her coat and headed to the docks.

Godzilla was there for his usual Weekend meals and Joe knew his daughter would be ecstatic to see him after days of inactivity from H.E.A.T.

"Hey big guy, we got some fresh fish delight for you" Cordula coed as Godzilla rumbled and stared at the oncoming barrels of fish "Well this is all what I don't need" Joe said and Cordula turned to wave her hand.

"Come and get it!" Godzilla opened his jaws and immediately chomped down on his meal, destroying the newly fixed docks which Cordula knew was another day of repairs before he let out a satisfied roar.

"Looks like he's full enough for the trip to Japan" Cordula blinked and looked at Joe with a confused look on her face "What trip?" Joe gave her a blank look.

"Do not tell me you forgot about this trip you and the H.E.A.T team talked about six days ago"

Joe gave Cordula a disapproving look "Your things are already on the front door and you have 10 minutes before Nick and the others come pick you up" Cordula immediately dashed to her bathroom to shower and get changed.

"Kids are so forgetful these day huh boy?" Godzilla merely let out a rumble and Joe guessed that as a sign of agreement.


Cordula yawned as she woke up from her nap and looked out of the window "Are we there yet?" She turned around only to face something green and dinosaur like which she gave a yelp and flinched back.

"Don't ever do that Randy!" She growled with a hand on her heart. Randy chuckled at her skirmishes "What? It's just a puppet?" He said, waving it around.

Elsie and Monique were sitting across from each other and Elsie was reading fresh newspapers. Mendel found a spare time to make origami animals.

Nick was sitting on the window side, reading a book on Japanese language. Finding no more papers to use, Mendel looked at Elsie's newspaper "You done with this?" He asked, tugging on the paper in her hands.

Elsie immediately pulled her newspaper back, not enough for it to tear but enough for Mendel to let go "As a matter of fact, I'm doing research, three more hikers disappeared last night from Mt. Fuji" Elsie said, pointing to the front page of her newspaper.

Monique grabbed the newspaper from her hands and looked down on the article "Clearly the work of a new monster which only proves we should be hunting down these aberrations before they strike" Monique said as she handed the paper to Nick who lowered it down.

"Not every mutation is a menace" Nick said slowly and Cordula was reminded of why Monique was really here.

"Ah yes, your precious Godzilla. Are we taking the position that exceptions disprove the rule?" Monique asked ans Nick narrowed his eyes at her.

"Okay, say we adopt your philosophy. We need a strategy to lure the creatures out if hiding but then what do we do once we captured them?" Nick asked out loud.

"Why don't we choose a remote island somewhere. You know, set it up as a Natural Preserve and then we could study our collection" Elsie suggested and Cordula rolled her eyes "One, we don't have enough money to buy an island, let alone a big one to house every monster we captured and Secondly, I disapprove in putting Godzilla in a cage" The idea of even putting him there was too...unsightly.

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