Bug Out

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It was an early day for Cordula and Godzilla to have another recreational bonding time since she had suggested with Nick that in order for Godzilla to get use to the humane society, he would have to learn to adapt to what is wrong from right in human standards.

Of course, she would prefer giving Godzilla as much freedom as she could give him.

And it was around these days Godzilla was happy to spend time with his female without the occasion of threats coming and her life being on the line.

But it was to his confusion that he did not sense her nor smell her in the perimeter. He let out a confused and concerned rumble as he waited for what looked like 4 hours until she arrived looking happy.

"Hey big guy, sorry it took so long for me to get here" She said with a bright smile as she got closer to him only to back off when he gave her a full on cold glare.

"Whoa...if this is about me being late, I'm sorry. I did have a lot of things today"

It wasn't because she was late. He knew she'd come because he knew she always keeps a promise. It was the scent that was surrounding her.

The scent of an unknown male.

Though he often scented other male scents on her, it was mainly his father or any male member of the pack who knew the female belonged to him.

This one was unknown and it brought very unusual feelings inside and so he resorted to the only thing he concentrate.


Cordula jumped back as Godzilla let out a roar before he dove back to the sea without giving Cordula time to call him.

"What's going on back there?"

Cordula turned to her father with a stunned look on her face "I didn't know he would be that angry all because I visited Elizabeth with her fiance" Joe merely blinked at her words.


The front doors of H.E.A.T Headquarters open abruptly as a breathless Cordula ran up to the surprised group.

"Have you heard the news?! Godzilla is-Nick?" Cordula gazed down on Nick who had a huge frown on his face as he avoided almost everybody's stare.

"Nick listen, I know your upset bit-" Mendel tried to speak but was cut off by Elsie "Forget it Mendel. He's just in a mood cuz his scaly protege is getting a little...unruly" Nick huffed at Elsie obviously careful words.

"An understatement" Monique said with her arms crossed "Let's go to the instant replay" Randy said as he played the video to see Godzilla roaring and throwing things around and burning everything he could find.

The video ended with Godzilla's tail whipping the camera.

"Oh...that's gotta hurt" Randy said and Nick glared at him. Cordula winced at the sight. What made him so angry that he decided to cause a rampage around the city?

"AH...it's the third time N.I.G.E.L's been flattened this week" Mendel said with a small whine. It was okay for him to use N.I.G.E.L on the field and it wasn't always everyday he would get destroyed and this was taking a toll on him.

"What do you think is setting the G-man off?" Randy asked "I'm not sure. Lately his learning curves been increasing thanks to Cordula's suggestion but so is the frequency of his tantrums" Nick stated.

"Maybe he needs more nappy time" Randy suggested "We always don't go out hunting mutations everyday on the dot so that gives Godzilla the time to have long sleeps" Cordula stated the obvious fact.

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