02-05-2008, Kansas City Hospital

Castiel is walking around a little in the hospital just like he did for the last two weeks. He keeps the sick people here company because Doctor Haley isn't here to tell him what to do – he can't do anything else right now.
Doctor Haley – also known as Julia Haley – is Castiel's mentor in the months that Castiel is interning at the hospital. But Castiel just looks after sick people when Julia isn't around.
Right now is a moment like that; Julia left the hospital for an emergency call. Castiel heard that it was a call about a man who flew through the window of a car and that he needed a doctor.
Castiel is just helping a sick lady into her bed when he hears a loud bang and people screaming and yelling things like "Go to the OR!" and "He's bleeding to death!".
He pulls the blanket over the lady's shivering body and then says that maybe he should go and see if he can help Doctor Haley. The lady nods as a sign that she doesn't mind if he leaves and Castiel runs to the place where he heard the noises.
He sees Julia, who's just pushing a stretcher to the OR. On the stretcher lies a man who's covered in blood. A large wound covers his leg and he has a few scratches on his face. Another man is following the doctors who are going into the OR.
"Ehm, mister!" Castiel yells at the man. "I'm sorry, but you can't go in there."
The man turns around and takes a deep breath before he reacts to Castiel.
"Owh, I'm sorry. I'm just..." He sighs. "That man that's in there, he's my brother."
Castiel walks towards the man. "I understand that you would like to stay with him, but we can't allow that."
Castiel looks up at the man and shrugs. The man rubs his eyes. "I understand," he says.
Castiel gestures to something further in the hallway. "There's a waiting room on your left," Castiel says. "You can wait there, I'll send a doctor to get you when they're done with your brother."
The man nods thanks fully. "Thanks," he says. "I'm Sam Winchester, by the way."
Castiel looks at the young man's hand. Castiel grabs it and shakes it. "Castiel," he says. "Nice to meet you."
He smiles shortly and then let's go of Sam's hand.
Sam walks to the waiting room and Castiel returns to his job of keeping company.

After Sam took his seat in the waiting room he decides that maybe he should call Jess to tell her that he'll be home late. He swipes through his contacts until he sees Jess' name. He clicks it and then puts the phone against his ear. A moment later, Jess picks up. "Hi, you're speaking with Jessica Moore," she says. Sam sighs. "It's me. Sam."
"Sam, where are you?" She sounds scared. "I thought you'd be home early today. I'm worried sick!"
"Ehm, well, I'm at the hospital," Sam answers.
"What happened!?" Jess sounds scared.
"I'm okay," Sam tries to calm her down. "It's Dean, he had a car accident."
Jess stays quiet for a moment. "Oh, is he all right?" she asks, her voice a little less worried.
"I don't know," Sam says. "His leg was bleeding heavily."
"How did that happen?"
"I don't know. He just was calling me to wish me a happy birthday and then the connection just broke away. I looked where he was and found him on the hood of his car. He must've flown through the window," Sam explains. "But I think maybe I should call mom and dad, I think they would like to know as well."
"Yes, you should do that. Call me when you know more," she says and right before Sam hangs up she says: "Happy birthday, Sam."
After that, Sam hangs up.

After half an hour, Castiel walks back to the room where Julia disappeared into. He knocks on the door and after a moment, it opens. He can look into the room. The man is lying on the surgery table and it looks like they stitched up his leg.
Julia is standing in the doorway. "Castiel, I'm busy but come in."
She steps aside so Castiel can walk into the room. Her gloves are covered in blood and she takes new ones after she's closed the door.
"Is it really bad?" Castiel asks while he looks at the man with the dirty blonde hair.
Julia shrugs. "I don't know how bad it is," she says while looking at the man. "but I think you can call it pretty bad."
"What about his leg?" Castiel asks.
Julia walks towards the man again. "He has a big and deep wound on the front of his leg and we've stitched it up. He also has trouble breathing."
Castiel looks at Julia, who nods at the gloves as a sign he should put two on too. Castiel does that, and after that, he stands next to the man.
"Have you already identified him?"
Julia nods. "Yes, his name is Dean Winchester, or so his brother told us," she answers.
Castiel smiles. "Yeah, I met that man. Sam Winchester, a nice guy I think."
Julia shrugs. "Yes, but I think Dean is more important. Don't you think?"
"Yes, I know."
Julia grabs a towel and washes the blood off Dean's face and the blood around the leg wound.
"He's lost a lot of blood, so I think we're going to need a blood transfusion," Julia says, looking at the man.
Castiel nods. "Yes, I agree," he replies while he takes another good look at Dean.
He's pale and he breathes with effort.
"What do you think about his breathing?"
Julia takes a good look at Dean's chest and sighs. "It could be because we brought him under anesthesia, otherwise we should take care of it 'cause it's not normal to breathe like that."
Julia grabs a bandage and stretches it out a little. "Castiel, can you help me bandage his leg?"
Castiel nods and after a moment Dean's leg is bandaged in bandage.

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