08-05-2008, Kansas City Hospital

This morning was just the same as always.

Castiel came to Dean's room, checked on him and gave him breakfast.

Now it's later on the day and Dean's family is almost coming. Julia and Castiel are standing at the door, waiting for Dean's family.

Mary, John and Sam are walking in through the door and Julia takes a few steps towards them.

"Hello, can you follow me, please?" Julia asks to the family and when they all have nodded Julia walks away. They follow her to Julia's office.

Three chairs are standing on one side of the desk. Everyone takes a seat and Castiel sees the frightened expressions on the faces of Sam, Mary and John.

Julia leans forward and looks at the file that she's holding in front of herself.

Julia takes deep breath.

"Yesterday we discovered something not very good, by your son," Julia begins. "His had a septic leg, which had a bad bacterial in it."

Castiel looks at the shocked faces and really wants to calm Dean's family.

Julia clears her throat. "We tried to clean the wound and take the bacterial away from the wound, but it was already spreading trough Dean's complete leg."

Sam is the one to ask the question which needed to get asked. "What now?"

"Well, if we had done nothing he had a large chance to not survive for very long," Julia explains and she looks at Sam. "So we needed to do something else. We had to remove his left leg."

Tears appear in Mary's eyes and Sam tries not to cry.

John puts his hand around Mary and tries to calm her.

Sam looks at Julia. "How is Dean doing now?"

Julia smiles kindly. "He's doing okay, but you have to be calm when you're going to visit him. He's still pretty tired," she answers.

Sam looks at his parents and lays a hand on Mary's shoulder.

"You hear that, mom, he's doing okay," Sam says and he looks at Julia again. "He'll get better, right?"

Julia nods and stands up. She fills a cup with water and gives it to Mary.

"He's going to get better, I promise," Julia says.

When Mary is a little bit calmer, they go to Dean's room. Dean lying in the bed and he smiles sad when he sees his family walking in.

"Hi," he says and he sees the tear stained face of Mary.

Dean wants to keep himself tough and doesn't cry while his family is with him.

"Oh, my baby," Mary says and she tousles Dean's hair.

Dean looks at Mary and smiles. "I'm okay," Dean says and then he looks at Sam, who's just standing behind Mary. He has a sad look on his face and he smiles when Dean looks at him.

Dean smiles back.

"Hi, little brother," Dean says and Sam kneels down next to Dean's bed.

"Hi, older, but smaller brother."

Dean laughs.

"You're so mean, you know?" Dean says and Sam shrugs.

"No, I had my growth spurt," Sam says.

Dean shakes his head while smiling.



They both giggle and John and Mary look not understanding at each other.

They talk with each other until visit time is over. Sam, Mary and John leave the room and Dean is alone again.

As always, Dean falls asleep when they're gone.

Castiel knocks on the door of Dean's room. Dean hears it and he sits up right.

When Castiel walks in, Dean smiles.

"Hi, Castiel," he says and Castiel says "hi" back.

Castiel has the other half of the soup that Dean ate yesterday. He gives the bowl to Dean and Dean starts eating.

He really likes this soup; it has a bit of a salty taste, but from the other side it hasn't.

"Here are the meds that you need to take every day from now, until you feel better and Julia says that after that you don't have to take them anymore." Castiel gives a package with little blue pills, to Dean.

"Okay, I'll take them every day if that makes me feel better," Dean says.

Castiel smiles and puts away the bowl when Dean is done eating. Dean looks at Castiel and then begins to giggle.

"What?" Castiel asks in a giggling tone. Dean shakes his head.

"You know that day that you went home early?"

"Yes." Castiel nods and he looks at the laughing Dean.

"Well, I talked to Cheyenne and she's really in love with you," Dean says and Castiel's head becomes red.

"You didn't fool her with telling I like her, right?"

"Why, do you like her after all?"

Castiel shakes his head.

"No," he says and he looks at the laughing Dean. "No, I don't like her."

"She didn't want to admit that she liked you, at first," Dean giggles. "But after a moment she said she did like you. Maybe you should do the same."

"No, Dean," Castiel says. "I do not like her and I won't lie to you."

They go on giggling about Dean's talk with Cheyenne and after half an hour, Castiel leaves the room. Dean falls asleep and they'll see each other the next day.

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