03-05-2008, Kansas City Hospital

Dean didn't sleep well that night. He couldn't turn his head because of the tubes in his nose and the threads that were stuck to his body. The heart monitor made a lot of noise and the doctors came to check on him every two hours.

So when Dean woke up at five AM, he couldn't sleep anymore.

An hour after, Castiel walks into his room.

"Hello, Dean," he says and he turns on the light. "I'm going to check on your leg, your breathing and I'm gonna clean your bandage and blood bag."

Dean nods.

Castiel walks up to him and takes a seat on the side of the bed.

"Okay, can I take off the bandage?" Castiel asks and he reaches out to grab the bandage.

Dean nods. "Yeah, if you're supposed to do that," Dean replies. His voice sounds nasal.

Castiel loosens the bandage and carefully takes it off Dean's leg. The wound appears and when Dean sees it he looks away.

Castiel cleans his hands with antibacterial gel and afterwards, he just looks at Dean.

"Does it hurt?" he asks.

Dean shrugs. "I think," he answers with a fast look at the painful-looking wound.

"Okay, if it doesn't hurt really badly, it's okay. I can't clean the wound yet, Julia said, but I just had to take a look at it. So I did and I think it looks pretty good," Castiel explains to Dean.

Dean fiddles with the tubes.

"You shouldn't touch the tubes too much."

"Oh, I'm sorry. They're a little annoying."

Dean lets go of the tubes and lays his hand beside him.

"I'm gonna wrap a clean bandage around your leg again."

Castiel carefully winds a fresh bandage around the wound and before he secures it, he asks if it's not too tight.

"No, it's just perfect," Dean says, but he hasn't even looked at the bandage yet.

He's just looking at the focused look on Castiel's face.

"What?" Castiel asks as he sees that Dean is staring at him. "I don't have anything on my face, right?"

Dean laughs.

"No, you do not have anything on your face," he answers, laughing. Castiel breathes, relieved.

"Okay, well, what was I saying?" he asks himself. "Oh yeah! So your bandage is clean. I need to give you a new blood bag, so that's what I'm gonna do."

Castiel stands up. He takes the blood bag from the stand and makes the thread loose from the blood bag. He attaches the thread to the blood bag and after that, he hangs it back on the stand.

"Well, now you'll get fresh blood and it'll fix you," Castiel says. "Oh, what I still needed to tell you that your family will visit today."

"My dad too?" Dean asks.

Castiel shrugs.

"I think so, they will be here at twelve," Castiel explains.

Dean nods. "Okay, can they stay a little longer than yesterday?"

"Yes, of course. They can stay until visiting time is over," Castiel answers. "They can visit from twelve till three."

It was now just half past six, so Dean had to wait for a couple of hours.

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