Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Quickly! Carry her to my tent before she dies from the cold" Ser Codin Mormont ordered his men.

"You know this girl Ser?" One of his guards asked.

"Aye, that's the face of Ser Borick Frosts younger sister. Lady Jaslin".

Further south on the River Trident, Sandor Clegane carried on desperately searching for his wife. He had not stopped or slept all night, not even to see to his wounds. He had found no track of hers or sign she had returned this way, yet he carried on, calling out her name with little care as to who would hear him. As he continued on his search, his desperation grew until finally his broken and tired body would not carry him no longer. Falling from his horse, Sandor crawled to a near by tree and rested his head back. Reaching for his skin of wine, he finally becomed to his exhaustion and drank away the pain.

Two days later Jaslin awoke in a dry clean room, she was in a comfy bed with pillows and fur. There was a small fire keeping her warm and a table with food and mulled wine. Instantly she thought herself dead.

"Lady Jaslin, you are awake?" A strangely familiar voice announced in the room.

"Codin, is that truly you?" She gasped.

"Yes sweet one" he smiled and slowly walked over to her.

Jaslin mother had been the youngest daughter to Jeor Mormont and sister to the disgrace Jorah. Codin was the son of Jaslins mother eldest brother who had died before her birth in a hunting accident. Codin was therefore Jaslins sister and been like a brother to her own brother Borick, who was the same age as him. Jaslin had loved her cousin dearly as a child, but not seen him since her 10th name day.

"I am dead" Jaslin whispered to herself.

"No sweet one. For a moment we thought so, but you are a strong young lady and survived the fever".

Jaslin quickly reached down and placed her hands on her stomach. Something felt different and she suddenly had the need to be sick.

"My baby?"

"When we found you, you were covered in your woman's blood. I had someone come and see after you, but they confirmed that night that you had lost your child. I am truly sorry Jaslin".

Suddenly Jaslin felt faint, the warm air and smell of food tasting like bile in her mouth. As her head grew more dizzy, Jaslin suddenly fainted and flopped back down into the bed.

Jaslin did not wake for another day, and when she finely fluttered her eyes open, she instantly began to sob.

"Jaslin, you are safe, you are well. Please my sweet one" Codin whispered as he had not left her side once.

"It cannot be true" she whimpered.

"I do not pretend to know of the great pain and misery you have faced, but I promise sweet one. You are safe now, I will protect you and no further harm will come to you".

Sandor had made her a similar promise once and she instantly began to cry again as she thought of her husband.

"I was with a man, my husband. Sandor Clegane, please, I must speak with him".

"Jaslin, you were alone when we found you. There was no other. I will send some men out too look for him though. Please sweet one, try to rest your nerves".

Codin began to explain how he was on his was to the wedding at the Twins when they found her. House Mormont had heard the call for the northern houses to join Robb, the King In the North, and had planned to pledge their swords to him.

"Where are we now?" Jaslin asked as she winced and leant up in bed.

"At an inn south of the neck. We plan to head back north. Return to bear island and try to survive the madness of the completing war. The battle has all but died now, but I fear more trouble lays ahead. You will return with us though and I will personally ensure your safety, just as your brother would have if he was still with us".

"This is all too much Codin, but I cannot return with you. Arya and Sansa Stark still live. I have to find them, I believe Arya is at the wall with her half brother Jon. I must travel there, not hide out at Bear Island".

"You truly have the sense of duty and honour of House Frost. I cannot let you travel alone though. I and my men saw escort you to the wall. You must rest for a few days more though, let us find your... husband and then move on. You are no use to anyone or yourself with you wellbeing in the state it is".

"Very well Codin, two days and then we shall go. I must find the girls if it's the last thing I do in this life".

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