Chapter One

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"Things will change from here on out Jon. Our lives will not be the same" Jaslin sighed as she and Jon Snow watched the King and his party arrive through the gates of Winterfell.

Jaslin and Jon were stood on the balcony of one of the many towers at Winterfell. Jon had not been allowed to join the welcome party on order by Lady Stark, and Jaslin would not let him stand alone.

"Will they change for the better or worse?" He asked as far below King Robert emerged from his royal coach.

"The last time I saw Robert Baratheon, I was being hold of my father and brothers death. So you tell me" she shrugged with a sad smile as she turned to look at her dear friend.

The pair continued to watch as the royal party greeted the Starks. King Robert then walked away, towards the crypts followed by Lord Stark.

Later that day, a grand feast was held to welcome the royals at Winterfell. Jon, once again, had been ordered to not attend. Lady Stark did not want to insult the queen by having a bastard in her presence. Jaslin had been furious when she heard and swore to also not attend. Jon had been the only one to calm her down, and in the end she dressed in her finest and attended the feast with the Starks, as Lady Jaslin of House Frost.

Inside the great hall of Winterfell, a long table was placed at the top with King Robert, Queen Cersi, their children, and the Starks. Jaslin was sat further down the hall with some nobles she neither knew nor carried about.

After the feast, music and drinking began throughout the hall. Sansa Stark had moved to sit with the other young ladies, Robb and the Greyjoy boy had also moved to sit with the men from their household guard.

"Ned, that beauitful pale creature with the Red hair, sat with your youngest daughter and sons. Who is she?" The King asked with intrigue as his wife rolled her eyes in boredom.

"That is Lady Jaslin Frost" Ned smiled as he looked over at the young women who had become like a daughter to him.

"By God of course. Call her over Ned, let me speak with her".

Ned motioned for one of his guards to bring the young lady. Meanwhile, Lady Stark watched with annoyance as the King paid her more mind than her own daughters. The girl she knew Lord Stark had a closer bond with than his own children.

"Your grace" Jaslin smiled nervously and courtesied.

"You have your mother's face and pale skin child. Her beauty was well known in my time, but I also see your father in you. Those pale eyes and red hair, I bet you have the same firery temperament as good old Lord Frost, god rest his soul. Tell me Ned, am I right?" King Robbert chuckled.

"Aye, she is certainty her father's daughter" Ned smiled as Jaslin blushed.

"Your father was a great man. I miss him every day" Robert sighed now with a slightly saddened smile.

"You are too kind, your grace" Jaslin nodded politely.

"What was your house words again child? Do you remember them?"

"Dark wings, dark words. Your grace".

"Aye, you northern houses were never one for mincing your words. Straight to the point as always. Well go on child, enjoy the feast" Robert laughed again as he waved her away and turned back to his ale.

As Jaslin walked away from the table, she could sense someone staring at her still from behind. Turning, she saw one of the guards, stood behind the young Prince Joffrey, staring directly at her. He was the biggest man Jaslin had ever seen, his face was also scared and held a mean exterior to it. Jaslin was truly scared by the man, yet still she looked over to him, until he quickly moved his eyes in another direction.

"Young Jaslin. Is that truly you?" A voice Jaslin knew to be Benjen Stark laughed from behind her.

"Benjen" she cried out with joy and ran over to the man.

"You are so grown now. I cannot believe it. How old are you now child?"

"20, Benjen. It has been far to long. I must express my disappointment in your lack of visits over these past five years" she replied as she tried to hide the smile on her face.

"To disappoint a lady such as yourself is a great crime Jaslin. I am truly sorry" he chuckled.

"Yes, well. I am sure I will forgive you in time" she teased just as Arya had ran to her side and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Hello Uncle" she beamed.

"And what are you up to young Arya? Causing trouble no doubt".

"I am being spent to bed, I threw a potato at Sansa. It was worth it though" she giggled just as Robb came over and before a quick hello to his uncle, pulled his naughty sister away and led her back to her room.

Jaslin remained in the the hall for a short while longer, but after two glasses of sweet red wine, decided to take some air.

"Jon! Have you been out here all this time?" She laughed when she found Jon slamming his sword into one of the training dummies.

"No where else to be" he grunted as he continued to hit his target.

"Well, perhaps he is dead now?" Jaslin chuckled as she placed a hand on his shoulder to try and make him stop.

"Aye, very funny" he grumbled and put down his sword. "So, how was the feast? Did you dance and drink and laugh?" He went to ask as he turned around to face her.

"I drank and laughed. But sadly, I did not dance. How about it Jon, will you ask me to dance?" She smiled.

"We are in a courtyard, there is no music" he scoffed.

"If you'd quit complaining for a moment you could hear the music from inside the hall" she whispered and stepped closer to him.

Jon rolled his dark eyes at her, but Jaslin wasn't buying it and placed her hands on his shoulders. He let out a long and dramatic sigh but finally took one of her hands in his and placed the other on her hip.

"Now we have both danced" she shrugged as they began to sway back and further in the cold night air.

After a few moments Jaslin moved both her arms to wrap around his neck and stepped in closer as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Jaslin" Jon whispered and pulled apart from her.

"What's wrong now?" She teased.

Jon hands had slipped further down her body, which sent a shiver down her spine. Placed firmly on her hips, not far from her bottom, jon quickly slammed his lips to hers in a rough and sloppy kiss.

At first Jaslin moved into the kiss, pulling her body close towards Jon's as he entered his tongue in her mouth. Jon's hands had then glided down to her bottom and he sudden squeezed tightly.

"Jon!" Jaslin gasped and quickly pulled away in shock.

Jon just stared at her, dumbfounded by his own actions.

"Jon, I am two years older than you. You are like a brother to me, we can't".

"I'm sorry... forgive me" he sighed and quickly disappeared into the darkness of the courtyard.

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