Chapter Thirty-One

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Jaslin and her group of Mormont men had been travelling for near a month now. They would finally be reaching the wall before sun set today and Jaslin felt sick to her stomach with anxiousness.

Recently Jaslin had found herself falling asleep a lot, even whilst on horseback as the give dreams filled her mind. Today was no different, once again she had nodded off as the motion of the horse gently shook her body.

This time Jaslin was flying high above the sky in the form of a snow owl. Beyond the wall, she looked down vast snow covered woodlands until finally they past and there was nothing but icy and high mountains. Further north she travelled the more panicked she became, even in the dream she felt dread and worry. Just as the nervously dreams she would continue to swore across the sky until she saw a castle like building, but made of icy. Swooping down, she enters inside and see nothing but a high table of ice and on it lay a baby with bright blue eyes. As the owl turns back around, Jaslin only vision of more cold blue eyes staring back at her.

Gasping Jaslin shaped awake on the horse. "Another dream sweet one?" Codin asked.

"Yes" Jaslin nodded softly with sad eyes.

"I ain't never seen a person who can fall asleep on a mare like you m'lady" one of the men laughed.

Codin quickly shot his man and warning stare, but Jaslin smiled back and let out a small laugh to try and defuse the tension. They could see the wall now, and she wanted no trouble as they finally neared their destination.

When the reached the gates of Castle Black, one of the brother called down to them. "Who goes there and what is your business?".

"My name is Ser Codin Mormont. I have urgent need to see my uncle. Your Lord commander".

Jaslin could hear muttering from the other side of the gate and smiled softly at Codin. Eventually, the gate was opened and stood on the other side was Lord Commander Jeor Mormont.

"Nephew, what is the meaning of this sudden visit? I've had word from you in year" Jeor smiled as he approached Codin who had jumped from his horse.

"I must speak with you uncle. Well... Lady Jaslin Frost must" codin explained and raised him arm out to show Jaslin as she gracefully slid from her horse and approached the men.

"By the gods girl, I've not seen you since a bane in your mother's arm. You have her face child, uncanny truly, but that pale skin and fiery hair of the Frosts" Jeor smiled.

"You are to kind uncle and yes, it had been too long, but I am afraid I visit you now with a purpose. I believe you man Yeon was at Kings Landing some time ago, he left with a group of men from the dungeons for the wall.... and Arya Stark of Winterfell".

"Yeon, why child I'm afaird he never returned. We had word that he was cut down on the kings road. I heard no word of an Arya Stark though".

"So she does not speak safety here?" Jaslin gasped, feeling the hope she had been clinging onto all this time quickly fade to nothing.

"I'm afraid not child. Truly I am sorry, but come, let us get you warm and fed. A certain Jon Snow will be happy to hear of your arrival. I can answer any more of your questions then".

Codin walked over to Jaslin and placed his arm around her shoulders. "I'm am so sorry little one" he whispered into her ear.

Jaslin would not allow herself to cry just yet. With a sad smile, she nodded and codin and followed Jeor into the courtyard.

"Jaslin?!?" I sudden voice called out.

"Jon" she cried as she turned around  recognising the voice instantly as he ran over to her.

Instantly he wrapped his arms around her small frame and buried his face in her neck, breathing in the familiar scent of her hair.

"What are you going here?" He asked now as he stroked the side of her cheek.

"Perhaps there is somewhere we can talk in warmth and privacy?" She asked.

"Take my chambers, tell be the warmest for our lady guest" Jeor ordered.

Jon quickly nodded at hissed commander and than grabbed onto Jaslins hand tightly.

When they finally reached the warmer confide of the Lord Commander chambers, Jon pulled up to chairs by the lite fire and passed her a cup of warm wine.

"I have missed you so. I have heard so many awful things up here, but unable to go and see for myself, it had been hell" he sighed.

"Jon, my sweet Jon. You don't know the half of it" she smiled.

Gradually, Jaslin told Jon the entire story, from leaving Winterfell, Neds execution, marrying Sandor Clegane, Joffreys death and Sansa disappearance. Becoming pregnant, what she saw at the twins and then losing her baby. Jaslin was crying as she told him about not knowing where the girls where, how she had let everyone down, and her last hope had been to find Arya here.

By the time Jaslin had finished explaining it all Jon looked a shade paler than before, and that was despite the goblet of wine they had finished between them.

"I there dreams Jon, they're truly awful. So vivid and terrifying, after here I shall travel to Winterfell to Brann and Rickon, perhaps Luwin can  help explain them" she cried.

"Winterfell, Jaslin, have you not heard?" Jon asked with shock.

"Heard what? What has happened at Winterfell. Oh please Jon, at least tell me the boys are safe" she sobbed now.

"Theon Greyjoy detrayed Robb and took Winterfell. Bran and Rickon are dead. Apparently the Boltons have taken back the castle now, but they side with the Lannisters now. I heard they were apart of the massacre at the twins with the Freys".

Jaslin could not find the words to speak, how could someone lose so much in one lifetime. It was too much to bare. Her cries had become more aggressive now as her body shock. Jon quickly reached out for her and pulled her into his arms.

"My Jaslin, I am so sorry. I should have never left you. We should javebstayed together, I would have protected you from all of this".

"No Jon, you must not say that. You were so brave joining the nights watch and nothing could have protected me from what happened. It was my fate and mine alone. At least I still have you, at least you still live in this cruel world with me".

As Jaslin sat on Jons lap and rested her head against his chest, Jon placed his hand on her cheek and moved her face to his. "You will always have me Jaslin. Nothing shall ever change that".

Jaslin stared deeply into her eyes and for the first time in what felt like so long, she felt safe and at home in them. Slowly Jon leant further in and gently placed his lips to hers like they had that one night so long ago. Jaslin knew he was moving in to kiss her and did not back away, allowing the contact she had needed for sometime.

The kiss was warm and gentle, his soft lips on her moving against hers as his grip of her tightened and he deepened the kiss. When Jaslin felt him push his tongue inside her mouth, she knew what they were doing was wrong, but it had been so long since she had been touched or wanted and the feeling warmed her inside.

Finally they parted for air and Job rested his forehead against hers. "I am a man of the nights watch now Jaslin, yet you still make me as weak as a young boy. I plea with you to rest here at Castle black, regain your strength from the journey. I know you will not stay here forever, but just for a short while, stay with me. Tomorrow I will take you to master Aemon, he will perhaps help explain these dreams".

"You know me well Jon, and yes, I shall stay for a short while" she whispered back.

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