1- The Death Song of Uther Pendragon

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"Merlin has magic!"

The ghost of Uther Pendragon cried, his silvery form fading away as the high sound of a horn resonated off the stone walls. His father gone, Arthur lowered the instrument from his lips. Staring Merlin straight in the eye, Arthur was confused. Why would his father say that?
"Is this true?"
Heart pounding and stomach churning, Merlin stared back, unsure of what to say. Lie or reveal the truth? "Merlin?"

One horrible moment, one word on his tongue, and immense pressure on his shoulders, threatening to crush him.
Trembling and adrenaline pulsing through his body, Merlin nodded. Though his hands were shaking as they still held on to the spears Uther had thrown at him seconds before, his voice was strong and clear.
"I was born with it."

The words hung in the air, heavily draped over the throne room, seemingly choking everything they hovered over. A heavy silence filled the space between the two boys. Staring at disbelief at Merlin, Arthur grunted.
"No, no. I would know. I would know if you were a sorcerer." His voice faded to a whisper, as though he didn't believe what he was saying. A strange expression had overcome Merlin's face.

"I'm sorry, Arthur," he whispered. "It's true." Arthur refused to believe it, he couldn't. How could his servant, his friend, have hidden something so huge from him?

"No." He whispered. Keeping careful control of his face and emotion, he spoke clearly. "Leave me." Turning his back to Merlin, he let his facade crumble.
"Arthur-" Merlin started, but decided against it, and left the King in peace. Arthur's back was turned to look at the spot where the ghost of his father had stood just moments before. His mind was racing, Merlin, a sorcerer? No way. But the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. No, no. He didn't want to think about it. Arthur felt betrayed, not only as subject to King, but as a friend to a friend. He had trusted Merlin, perhaps even more than his own knights. Arthur simply couldn't possibly imagine Merlin having magic all these years, or imagine him being the image of the evil sorcerer that his father had drilled relentlessly into Arthur all his life.


"What do you mean he found out?" Gaius exclaimed. "How many times must I tell you that your magic is a secret to be guarded with your life!"
"I'm sorry, Gaius. I couldn't lie to Arthur, I couldn't see the use of hiding the truth." Merlin signed and turned his back to Gaius so he wouldn't see this eyes shining with tears.
"I don't expect you to understand, but in the moment, it felt like the right thing to do."

Gaius let out a heavy breath and placed his hand in Merlin's shoulder. "My boy, I believe you did the right thing, even though it may not seem like it." He raised an eyebrow, glancing at the door before returning his gaze to Merlin.

"The only problem now, is what will Arthur do?"

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