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Ever wonder that smile shows thousands of emotion???

That's because smile can be used in different situation.

For example,

1. we use it when we appreciate someone's giving, blessing or anything.

2. we use it when we are in a realllllyyyy awkward situation or position cause that's the only reaction our body gives, lol.

3. we use it when we fell in love with someone and we just couldn't help it but just smile for like hours without stopping.

4. we use it when we have done or finish something important such as homework, essay, chores or etc.

5. we use it when we have done something bad to someone or had a revenge on someone then we really put on our biggest, most evil smile ever.

6. we use it when we want to hide our emotions by using a smile but actually we're really hurt inside. That's why smile is the best liar when you want to hide your emotions.

7. we use it to show that we are satisfied on something.

So never forget to smile cuz it got a lot of benefits in it and maybe some negative but study shows a lot on the positive so never ever forget to smile. Just smile cause it gives a positive impact on your body and  ya never know what's gonna happen but just believe in yourself.

vote and comment peeps xoxo


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