Chapter 1

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*NOTE: Every time you see a word in italics, it means the character is saying it with emphasis. This applies to all chapters.

6 Underground premiere day was approaching rapidly, and Ben Hardy knew exactly who would be his "date". Not in a romantic way, of course, but he was firmly decided to bring Joe Mazzello with him. Since he had no girlfriend, and he liked Joe's company, he thought "why not?" and called his friend. It was 1:00 am in England, but in New York it was 9:00 pm, and he knew Joe would be awake.

"Heeeeeeyy buddy", Joe said, when he picked up the phone and saw it was Ben calling. He was trying to imitate what Ben had said on the bed video he had posted on Instagram a while ago.

"Not even close, mate", Ben answered, giggling.

"C'mon!", Joe screamed. "I'm better than Gwil, and he's British!"

"Ok, ok!" Ben said, still laughing. "Calm down! Don't you want to know why am I calling?"

"Because 6 Underground premiere is in six days in New York, and you don't have a date?", he answered.

Ben smiled in silence. Joe knew him so well it was annoying sometimes. He loved it.

"How do you know that?" he asked.

"Ben, I've known you for almost two years now. Of course I'd know what you wanted." Joe answered, and added, "but what should I wear? I've never been to a Netflix premiere."

"Well, it's not the Oscars", Ben answered, "but it would be good if you didn't repeat the brown suit fiasco." He was referring to the suit Joe wore for the pre-SAG party in January.

"FIASCO?!" Joe asked jumping off the chair he was sitting on. "How dare you? All my fans loved that outfit!"

"Did they?" Ben asked while opening his MacBook and accessing his Instagram account. "Instagram comments say otherwise. Let's see..."

"Stop it", Joe said, trying to remain serious but almost bursting out in laughs. "I don't know if my stylist will be available at such short notice."

"He doesn't have to be available, he just has to tell you what you could wear to look presentable and the rest we will delegate to our assistants.

"Assistants? What assistants? I don't have an assistant. I don't need an assistant, I'm no Kim Kardashian!"

"Don't be silly, anyone can have assistants, they just help us with schedule, and the limos, and they can bring our clothes and hairstylists home, so we can worry about other things. And since I'm inviting you, it's gonna be my way, for once. After this experience, you'll be able to say if you want an assistant or not."

"Ok, mate..." Joe said, emphasizing the last word to make clear his aversion to his friend's idea, but smiling at the same time. He could never be angry at Ben, not even when he wanted to.

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