Chapter 3

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Next day was a very busy one for Natalie and Diana. They were working hard to do everything in time.

"Do you remember when we talked about this?" Diana asked Natalie, while she waited for some images to come out of the printer.

"Yes, I do," Natalie replied, looking at her friend with a smile on her face.

They had met years ago when they went to work at the agency. Being an actor's assistant was not a simple thing as it seemed to a lot of people. There were a lot of things they had to learn from sewing to first aid, including manicure, hairstyling, and a whole bunch of other things celebrities might need. Not that they necessarily had to do all of those things, but they had to be prepared for any emergencies that might arise. And they had to speak other languages ​​as well. Natalie spoke Spanish and Diana, French.

For that reason, the hours of work were long. Because they spent so much time together and had a lot in common, they became friends almost instantly. That's why, when "Bohemian Rhapsody" premiered, they went to watch it together. And they left the cinema in love. In love with the movie and in love with the actors. Natalie had a crush on Ben and Diana on Joe. And they wondered if they would ever hire the agency, but whenever they began to think about it, they were discouraged, thinking that such thing would never happen, since it was a small agency and they didn't even know if the guys liked the idea of ​​having assistants.

Still, they kept dreaming about it, and they always told the people at the agency: "If one day Ben Hardy or Joe Mazzello calls, for God's sake, you'll have to assign us for the job!" They almost passed out when the long-awaited call happened. They had already decided everything: Diana would be Joe's assistant and Natalie would be Ben's. It would be perfect, but obviously, the two would help each other because, although it did not seem like it, it was a lot of work for only one person. But even with so much work, the two could not be happier. That was one of the advantages of that job: they could meet nice people and, even more, people they admired. It was easy to work with "celebrities" like that.

"You ever got to talk to Joe's stylist?" Natalie asked, interrupting their memories.

"Yes, yes," Diana replied. "I'm printing photos of the ideas he suggested to show Joe at the meeting later".

"I don't have this problem with Ben," Natalie said, pretending to boast to her friend. "He's always the best dressed everywhere he goes and he came from England already knowing what clothes to wear here".

"That's not fair," Diana said trying to sound indignant, but being totally betrayed by the smile on her face. "Joe only knew that he was going to this premiere a couple of days ago, and he couldn't have anything prepared!"

Natalie laughed.

"I know, silly, I'm just joking with you, but don't think it's so easy with Ben, he was very specific about what he wants to do with his hair, so I'm having a hard time finding a good hairstylist."

"Well, try to find one soon. We only have four hours until the meeting!"

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