Chapter 8

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While Joe and Diana were at the hospital, the makeup artist finished her work with Ben, and then it was Natalie's time to do what she had to do. She was still nervous. What Ben wanted was not so hard actually, most hairdressers didn't take the job because they liked to work with people they already knew, and the others were very busy and wouldn't have the time to do that job. But he wasn't like Joe, who would go with whatever the hairdresser said it would look good on him. Ben had a more specific taste and, if it was already hard for Natalie to do that for someone she wasn't a real fan, she didn't even want to imagine how would it be to do that for Ben.

But she was a professional and she had to stay calm. Thankfully he didn't need a haircut, because that would be much worse. He only wanted his hair to look almost like the day he went to the Oscars. Natalie had seen thousands of pictures from that day, so it wouldn't be the most dificult thing in the world. Ben had already washed his hair, and now the only thing she had to do was style it the way he wanted. "Ok, this is not so hard", she thought. "You're nervous just because it's Ben. And probably because you never did this before." She knew she shouldn't use gel because Ben's hair looked thin and he didn't want that effect gel causes. She could use pomade or spray, but how much? And then she decided to touch Ben's hair to feel the texture and find out what product she should use.

"Your hair is so soft! What do you use on it?" she asked him, trying her best to sound calm, so he wouldn't know how nervous she actually was.

"Just regular shampoo" he smiled, but only for a few seconds. He used the same shampoo his ex-girlfriend used to buy for him, because she said that was the best for his hair. And when he remembered her, he felt sad. He hadn't overcome that yet.

Natalie noticed that he had changed his expression, but she said nothing. Deciding to use the pomade, she picked it up from the table on her right.  Ben was sitting in a chair that had been placed in front of the mirror Joe had in his living room, so Natalie had a privileged view of him, and she could almost swear that there was a tear forming in the corner of his right eye. She sighed, worried about him, but she kept doing her work. And then, Ben spoke.

"My girlfriend bought my shampoo... She said it was the best for me. Our relationship is over for a while now, but I'm still wearing it. It didn't even bother me anymore that it was her choice for me, but now that you mentioned, I..."

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm really sorry, Ben, I didn't want to make you remember that." Natalie seemed very sorry she had brought the subject up.

"No, please don't bother with me," Ben said, turning himself to look at Natalie. "I swear, I'm fine. It's just these relationship stuff, you know how it is..."

"Actually, I don't know very well ..." Natalie replied, calmer, as she realized that Ben really looked better than before. "I've never had a serious relationship before..."

"Not?" Ben looked surprised. "Well, that's no big deal... There are very good moments, and others not so much..."

"Yeah, that's what they say," Natalie said, sitting down. "But I'd like to go through the whole experience and have my own opinion."

"But you will," Ben said, a smile forming on his face. "You'll see how wonderful and terrible it can be at the same time."

Natalie also smiled as she heard Ben's words. She didn't know if he was saying it just to please her or if he was being honest, but she didn't seem to care. She was enjoying talking to him about it.

"At least I'll know I'm alive," she said, laughing. "And life takes a lot of turns, right? What is bad today can become good tomorrow ..." she said, in an attempt to cheer him up with the possibility of getting back together with his girlfriend.

"It may be, you never know..." he replied, nodding.

After a few minutes of silence, Natalie got up and said, "Okay, let me go back to work, time is flying!"

They didn't talk about that subject anymore, only about Ben's hair. Sometimes, they laughed a little, when Ben made some joke about some stupid thing, and that helped Natalie finish her work calmly. Once Ben's hair was ready, he looked at the mirror.

"Wow, it really looks good!" he said.

Natalie sighed. It was as if someone had taken a burden off her back. "I'm glad you liked it!" she said, not letting him know how relieved she was.

At this moment, the front door opened. It was Joe and Diana.

"Hey, buddy" Ben said, getting up. "How are you feeling?"

"They said I'm not gonna die, but I'm not so sure of that," he said, lying down on the couch.

"It's the flu," Diana said smiling. She looked at Joe and thought about what a baby he could be in certain situations. "You won't die, not today, at least."

"I was medicated at hospital and they prescribed other things. Oh, and they also recommended rest." Joe added, still lying down.

"So, you won't..." Ben started to speak but soon Joe cut him off.

"No, I can't go with you," he said, sitting up and looking at his friend. "Sorry..." Joe was really sad. He really wanted to go, not only because he knew it they would have fun, but especially to be with his friend.

"That's ok, mate," he said, sitting down next to Joe. "You really need to rest, sleep, and drink lots of fluids."

"You're talking like the doctor," Joe grumbled.

Ben laughed. "He's just telling you the truth," Diana said.

"But since you're not going, what am I going to do with your invitation?" Ben asked. "I don't have anyone to call now, at such short notice."

They all looked at each other, not knowing what to answer. But it was Ben himself who, after some time thinking, found the solution. "Unless I take you, Natalie."

Natalie's eyes widened and she looked at Diana, who was as amazed as she was.

"That's a good idea," Joe said.

Natalie looked nervous and began to stutter. "But I... I... I can't--"

"Of course you can! Why couldn't you?" Diana interrupted abruptly. She didn't want to let her friend miss such an opportunity.

"Yes, Natalie, why couldn't you?" Ben asked.

"Well, because... because... I haven't a proper dress..."

"I'll get one now!" Diana shouted. "I don't know if you know it but finding fancy clothes for people to wear in fancy events it's part of my job..."

"But the makeup artist is gone and... there's my hair, I--"

"I'll fix everything!" Diana didn't seem to give up.

"But what about Joe?" Ben asked. "He's going to be alone..."

"I stay with him!" Diana was very excited, and sounded like she had drunk lots of coffee. "I'm his assistant, that's why I'm here for!"

"No need, I ---" Joe started to speak, but was soon interrupted.

"You do need me, I'll stay!"

"Calm down, I just ..."

"Come on, Natalie, I have to get you done!"

Diana pulled her friend by the arm and ran frantically, while Joe and Ben looked at them, laughing. Then, Joe spoke.

"Some assistants you got us..."

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