Chapter 11

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The next day, Joe woke up before Ben, which wasn't unexpected, since he had gone to bed earlier than his friend. He was feeling a little better but not as much as he wanted. He took a shower and decided to go to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. But when he got there and searched for something in the fridge and the cabinets, he realized he didn't want to eat anything. So, he laid down on the couch and turned the TV on, since he didn't feel like doing anything else.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Rising slowly, Joe shouted 'I'm coming' and looking through the peephole, he could see a girl holding a basket.

"Good morning," he greeted her. "How can I help you?"

"Good morning, are you Joe or Ben?" the girl asked.

"Joe," he replied.

"It's for you and Ben," she said, handing him the basket.

Joe had never received anything like it. "Who sent it?" he asked.

"There's a note there," the girl said pointing at the basket.

"Oh, yes," he said, grabbing the note. "Thanks."

"Can you sign here?" The girl handed over a clipboard with a paper and a pen for Joe to sign, confirming that he had received the order. "Thank you," she said when Joe signed it and handed it back to her.

It was a beautiful basket with flowers and all that was needed for a breakfast: juice, coffee, strawberries, bananas, pancake mix, toasts... Joe put it on the kitchen counter and grabbed the note to find out who had sent it. His suspicions were right: it came from Natalie and Diana.

"Dear Ben and Joe,

it was a great joy for us not only to provide a service for you but to spend time with you. You are fun, positive and very cool people. Thank you, Ben, for taking Natalie to the premiere, and thank you, Joe, for accepting to have Diana as your nurse for one day. Hope we can work together again soon.

Thanks for everything,
Diana and Natalie "

Joe had never received anything like that and he thought it was the nicest thing in the world. When he was going to tell Ben about the present, he saw him coming down the stairs.

"Are you feeling better?" Ben asked, walking towards the kitchen.

"I'm still not quite well, but I'm better, yes," Joe replied.

"What's that on the counter?" Ben looked curious.

"Well, I was just going to show you that. It's a basket with breakfast items," Joe replied.

"And who sent it?"



"And Diana!" Joe said, handing the note to Ben. "How cool is that?!"

"Wow, that's great!" Ben smiled as he read the note.

"These girls are really nice," Joe said, putting two dishes on the counter so they could eat. "Thank you for convincing me to hire them."

Ben smiled. "You're stubborn, but you can acknowledge when someone does something good for you."

"Stubborn, me?" Joe asked, pretending to be amazed by the statement.

"Just a little bit," Ben said, helping Joe to put the things on the counter. "Just a little!"

"Okay," Joe said, trying to look upset.

"Maybe some strawberry pancakes might improve your mood," Ben said as he opened the pancake mix pack. "And since you're sick, I'm gonna prepare everything."

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