Eighteen: Giving a chance.

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Cambridge Massachusetts, U.S.A.

After using her all the energy in her, Janaan finally look at Hamal in the eyes but the red hue was still tainted on her cheeks. She forced a smile and bit her lower lip- which has lip gloss smudged by it's side- real hard to stop the blush but that didn't help, if possible, it worsened it. Hamal wanted to laugh and pinch her cheeks to tell her how cute she looks at the moment t but restrained not knowing what she's here for. Maybe his happiness will be halted.

She glared at him when she notice that he wants to laugh at her reaction and he immediately stood straighter and squared his shoulders like a bodyguard caught looking at his master when he needs privacy.

"Yes, I'm here. And I've been here for more than an hour but you didn't show up. Where were you?" her mother instincts blew.

"I didn't know you were here or you were even coming, I wouldn't have step a foot out of this room. And I was with Alqasim. They celebrated my birthday in a restaurant downtown," he explained trying not to squirm at the hot glare she was still giving him.

"Oh that!" Fadila invited her but she declined, not wanting to see Hamal anytime soon but with Mia and Lia on her tail, she has to. She wants to, yes but just not with people.

"Yeah that!" he grinned before looking at her back, noticing a box, balloons and something in a bowl.

"What's all these?" The thought of her bringing him gifts was overwhelming. He knew she'd calm down but not to the point of bringing him a gift or card. Well, she never cease to astound him.

"Your gift and cards," she shrugged like it wasn't a big deal, which it is.

She brought the cards she always write to Hamal through email on his birthdays. Even though they weren't on good terms, she'd do it but he had never opened it. He felt like he wasn't worth her kindness after what he has done. Something always makes him crawl back to the shell he was in when he rejected her. He became a monster, bestial and disgusting. Even if his mother didn't say it, he was disgusted by himself.

Sitting down on the brown carpeted floor, Hamal did the Indian style before putting the box in the middle of his legs. He open it and the cards started from his twentieth birthday. Oh he was such a fool for not collecting that chance when she gave him. He is at fault no matter what she'd say -that it's both their faults.

After reading all the cards. He touched his cheek with his left hand when he felt something walking down his face to his mouth. After feeling the tasty water in his mouth, he knew he was crying. After all he has done, she still writes that she loves him after each later. What type of a person is he? He just doesn't deserve her.

"I-I..." He stuttered, not knowing what to say. Everything screeched in his throat, nothing is coming out of his mouth.

"You-you don't have to say anything. I understand everything and I'm also at fault for not understanding you earlier. I was just caught up in my own little world of rejection but I'm over it." She smiled at him, brightly. The look of equanimity was intact on her face.

"I don't really know what to say right now. Should I thank you? It won't be enough for what I did. But ignoring me for two weeks wasn't the best idea. I am now crazy, really." He chuckled and she did also.

"And my sorry will do you no good, that won't stop me from saying it and showing it. I'm so sorry! I will never do anything stupid again. Please give me a chance. I want to prove it to you, I'll be the boyfriend material you always dream about," he almost pleaded.

"I'm giving you a chance, Honcho. Time is ticking. I'm giving you a chance on your birthday! Happy birthday, Honcho. I love you," she gave him another breathtaking smile.

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