24. Heavy Hearts Make Choices

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Evelina spoke with great passion and seriousness. "Good day, I am Evelina. I am a half warlock and half werewolf. I have been nominated by my pack and also by the healer coven to speak on behalf of all of us. The healer coven and my pack have agreed that time is precious and we do not wish to take so much time from this meeting that could determine your destiny. We have also agreed that whatever you decide we would respect and would not abandon you in any way. We would share our links and resources with you no matter what to overcome your challenges following this vote. I am now going to begin my defence of the fighting option."

Evelina cleared her throat and carried on: "Dante is not an enemy that you could easily beat in battle. He is one you can resist. You have to fight. If you surrender you would be condemning the next generation of Alaskans to kneeling to the noble Arkansans. Your human citizens would be begging for mercy of death once the Arkansan protocols are forced on you. I am an Arkansan and my great great grandparents were serving Ronas the Great with pride and joy and ....."

"Objection" one of the elders, Hillaria interrupted "You might be a spy amongst us. If you are a descendent of Rons's army then you are most likely to be a noble. Tell us good reasons why you left your comfortable home."

Evelina laughed bitterly "you ask why I left my home territory behind to become an outlow. What forced me to give up my birth right to become a commander in Dante's army? My family has a high status. That is true. I am a noble. In the mansion I grew up there were 100 servants at my family's disposal. Why did I leave my home?To answer this question, I feel that I should share some personal accounts." Evelina was now showing small signs of emotion. This was as emotional as she could get. Months of fugitive life had taught her to never show emotion.

Evelina took a deep breath and carried on; "The horrors I witnessed in my childhood were unimaginable. I had to memorise the Ronas protocols one by one from a young age. As a noble it was shameful if a child did not know the protocols. I was taken to evening gatherings at the Ronas palace. It was the most horrific experiences of my life. The servants were either humans or weaker citizens. If they even looked at a noble in the eye, they were executed immediately by being sent to the fighter headquarters to be used for target practice. That was a horrible death sentence that I was forced to witness first hand. During my schooling alongside nobles, we were forced to practice spells and potions on the same group of people who were sentenced to death. They were going to be used until they lost their lives. My schooling was spent learning the arts of torment and assassination. For field trips, the took us to the dungeons to see for ourselves what becomes of enemies of Arksnsas and expected us to be proud of being citizens of such a well protected state against rebels."

If any one paid attention closely they could notice she was shaking mostly due to rage, not fear "You ask why I left. In addition to the horrors I mentioned, I also had personal reasons to become an outlow. I was more valuable if I stayed undercover in Arksnsas and aided freedom fighters from time to time. That is true. But I also had some personal reasons to leave which I do not feel ready to share. As I said I have seen too many horrors back then. Some of which were committed by my family members."

"What I am happy to share is about what I hated most all these years that made my exile much easier whenever I thought about it. What I hated most was the indifference or even acceptance of such brutality by the Arkansans. The ancestors of the noble Arkansans were good people like you. But the sphere of time brought them into one place at Ronas's service. He brainwashed them until they lost their hearts. They did as asked and felt honoured too. Now their descendants are as misguided and cold hearted as them. Do you really think once Dante gets ahold of you, there would be a different destiny. I assure you, that your children may even turn out to live in a much worse situation."

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