87. The Western Sunset

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Donavan was looking at the western sunset with sadness. He was torn between whether to defy the decisions of the healer coven and go his own way. He could see the disturbing effects of the destructive ocean spell that Dante had cast on the western territory. From where he was sitting on the outer desert hills near the western borders, he could see the clouds of smoke and even was still hearing screams and pleas of the helpless western citizens .

Athena walked behind Donavan and spoke " Don't think too much about this. Please don't do anything irrational like how Evelina and her friends did. We have to wait for the right moment before we can attack and rescue those in need. That ocean spell is too powerful. Trust me on this. If we attack now, without a doubt all of us will be captured."

Donavan laughed bitterly " Since when are you a fan of hiding Athena. People are being subjected to public punishments in the capital of the western land as we speak. Can't you hear their screams. Can't you feel their pain."

Athena nodded " Yes I can. And I am distraught. But I feel that we could make more damage than good if we attack now. Besides I trust Demetrious. He is the prosecuter knight. Dante would allow him to condemn some groups of captives to punishments of his choice which would be lighter than the kind of sanctions that Dante hands out. So I believe that Demetrious is the only one who can do anything at the moment."

Donavan turned to Athena staring at her with a hardened expression " Dante is a monster. Who uses that ocean spell? That's the most deadliest and painful spell of all. He has a sick mind. Homes are being burnt down as they are struck. People are being caged and confined as we speak only to be condemned to a lifetime of servitude. This blood match of yours has some gruesome ways of invading other territories. But the worst part is that he doesn't even need to use that much force. He can invade lands by simpler methods. I bet he is doing it to scare off the southern and eastern territories so they surrender. I have no doubt he is using such brutality for terrorising his enemies. Why else would he make such example of a land that does not surrender?"

Athena sighed " I am afraid you are correct. Those are his intentions. But this ocean spell must be the idea of his wisdom sorcerer. He probably has put forward this strategy for Dante to use to maximise the impact of physical and emotional pain for Dante's enemies. I have no doubt about it. He couldn't pick a worst spell."

Donavan spoke " Who is this wisdom sorcerer? We either need to get him out of Dante's clutches or we need to find our own one. What do you think."

Athena sounded unsure " I don't think we can find another one that easily. Wisdom sorcerers are hard to find. Tiberious is heavily guarded so getting him out of that base is out of question."

Donavan's eyes suddenly widened " We can't get him out of there but we can communicate with him. You have the jewel of illusion. Change his location for a few minutes. Temporary change of location is possible since we know which building he is in. The midnight warrior pack leader sent me a message about how his pack members attacked the bare to get Tiberious. He included the location. Lets do it Athena. Lets summon him and ask him questions to help us defeat Dante."

Athena was thoughtful " We need a whole coven to do that. If successful it may allow us to summon him for minutes if not seconds before he would be pulled back. I am certain Dante has sealed his chambers pretty tightly."

Donavan nodded and followed Athena as she lead the way to the chambers were the coven were gathered. Their temporary base was a few miles away from the western territory borders and Dante's base. The location was selected so the coven could efficiently carry out rescue missions once Dante was to carry out his strikes. But the destructive ocean spell was delaying them. They had to wait until the spell was removed and Dante and his main army were to leave for the southern territory as the next target for invasion. Surely Dante was going to leave enforcers behind in the west to oversee the region transferring itself into state governed by the Arkansans and following Ronas protocols. But Athena and her healer coven were positive that once Dante and his commanders were gone it would become easier to rescue innocent civilians who wished to flee. Arranging a trip for them to Alaska and Then Valera was going to be a lengthy and risky process but it was going to be worth it in the end since all those in need could potentially be transferred to a neutral territory outside North America.

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