Chapter 19

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Our phones have been ringing off the hook since those pictures of Mark and I surfaced on the internet and people identifying him as my ex or boyfriend, there have been so many speculations about my marriage to Liam.

"They could be in an arranged marriage"

"Maybe they are open"

"This bitch thinks she's Beyoncé, she's shaped like a tooth, how can she be cheating on Liam?"

"So I guess billionaire man is single?" the comments read.

Asia told me not to read them, but I just wanted to know what was on people's minds and how stupid could I have been to let something like this happen and sooner or later I would have to address it.

I can't say my dad was angry at me, he was furious, ballistic, and enraged. Liam's parents have been calling his phone non-stop. He just sat on the sofa talking and watching the news.

"Why are you so quiet?" I ask why he wasn't the least bothered about our situation.

He turns to look at me like I've grown another head and gives me a sharp reply "Because it's your mess, fix it".

"What do you mean it's my mess?" I ask confused why he wasn't doing anything. Regular Liam liked to be in, he would have addressed this hours ago, but he just sat down watching CNN because he could not be bothered.

"I'm not the one on the beach holding hands and looking loved up with a man that's not my husband in a dress that should be worn when I'm out with my husband". He retorts "Now that it is settled, I'm trying to pay attention to what Trump has done now". He adds, turning his attention back to this screen.

"Well, all of this would not have happened if it was not for you". I reply defensively.

He laughs loudly before he finally replies to me. How is it my fault, Kourtney? I'm not the one who got my love to fly out during our honeymoon and is staying in the same hotel as us. I'm not the one going out on dates in public with a man that's not my husband. Hell, I'm not the one in the mess so figure it out and leave me out of it". He says, his voice laced with anger and frustration.

"Well, if you had come back last night, none of this would have happened".

"I'm sorry I didn't call or pick your calls, I had an emergency, I came back and tried to explain it to you, but you weren't having it so what do you want me to do, force you to listen?" He yells.

"Well, stop yelling at me". I yell back because I didn't have a comeback for that yet.

"I'm done, I can't do this with you". He proceeds to walk out of the room "I can't even watch the news in peace". He says grumbling.

"Where do you think you're going?" I ask.

"Anywhere but here". He says as he walks out and slams the door behind him, leaving me to my problems.

I try to figure out a solution to my situation and end up falling asleep. By the time I wake up, I see forty missed calls from my mum, siblings, and Mark.
I decided to ignore Mark till the situation dies. I don't want to get into more trouble and ruin my family's reputation. Liam is still not back yet, so I resort to playing Candy Crush on my phone to keep myself company.

Three hours later, Liam finally comes back, and he's back with take-outs. He drops them on the table as soon as he walks in.

"I got you something to eat". He says, gesturing to the food.

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