~time skip: lunch~

"Let me be your dom. What the fuck. That's what he actually fucking said! Uraraka I need some damn help right now! Don't just sit there staring!"

"Sorry, but you need to calm down. And what would be so wrong?" She turned to look at me.

"Well I mean, uh, you know..." I trailed off hoping she would catch on.

But she didn't.

"Nevermind then. Fine. If it means it stays a secret, then fine." I shook my head in defeat and time passed much slower this time.

~another fucking time skip: end of day~

3rd person pov

It was late noon. The sun no longer bright, but slowly retreating back. Soft winds sang quiet melodies into the sunset, taking fallen cherry blossom petals with them into the soon to be night sky.

Izuku took a deep breath taking in his peaceful surroundings before continuing his walk.

His walk on autopilot, but his mind somewhere else. Focused in the path ahead of him, he only daydreamed of what the path looked like.

'The fallen petals... they look so much like sprinkled flowers on a wedding day. Flowers spread at the walk of the person being married. But this case it's no man and woman. I see myself. Myself walking down the aisle'

His vision gave him a few more moments of clips. With himself walking the aisle, a blonde figure looked back at him from the altar. The blonde had a sharp tux with a breathtaking smile and ruby red eyes that filled with nothing more than love and happiness.

"Kacchan..." he uttered softly with a small smile.

He snapped out of his daze when a hand touched his shoulder.

'Speak of the Devil'

The blonde male from his vision stood before him but with an angered look this time; but izuku didn't see that he only saw the same beautiful red eyes. The ones that had caused him to fall in love in the first place.

"NERD!" That instantly shook him out if his brief daze and looked at the taller male who was now even more annoyed.


"I said if you thought bout my proposal I gave you this morn'n."

Blushing at his words, he he nodded. "Yeah I thought bout it and asked Uraraka what she thought bout it. We decided that if it meant keeping it a secret, then we'd be ok with it."

Bakugo only nodded and started walking in sync with the green haired boy.

"So I needa know all bout this shit and the rules so where ya headed right now."

"Uh I was actually heading towards the place where Uraraka and I hang out. It's also where and when I can, ya know, go little." Izuku ended his sentence in a hushed tone but nothing went unheard from bakugo.

"Can I go with You?" Bakugo asked with a bit of hopefullness in his voice, "maybe I can learn a bit more bout this shit if I go with ya. Ya don't gotta say yes though. Just wondering." He scratched the back of his neck, a bit embarrassed from his rambling.

Izuku only nodded his response, leading the way into the forest.

Bakugo pov

He said yes and suddenly I felt relieved and glad I was somewhat getting trusted. But then I remembered why I was here in the first place. And suddenly, all those feelings washed away.

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