3rd person pov

Days turned into weeks and all deku and bakugo did was spend time together and recreating the bind they once had. Only this time, they made sure to make it stronger. But the only problem there, is that bakugo seemed to forget why he even started talking to deku again.

"C'mon deku you're too slow!" Bakugo yelled over his shoulder as he watched izuku break into a jig trying to catch up to him.

"I can't help having fucking short legs," izuku struggled saying while catching his breath. "And you're just too tall and fast. If anything I'm not the problem." Izuku crossed his arms and pouted finally having catched up to bakugo.

"Oh I'm sorry shirt midget," his voice dripped with sarcasm and amusement. "Would you like a light back ride instead?"

Izuku thought for a moment taking his words seriously.

"If it means not having to run behind you, then sure."

Bakugo, shocked with his answer but nevertheless bent over and picked up izuku by his calves, and ran the rest of the way to school.

Deku pov

I jumped off kacchan's back and stood there while he bent over and caught his breath.

"We got here quick." I said excitedly.

"Well that's cause I carried you. Good thing you weigh close to nothing," he retorted back with a smirk on his face.

I felt my face growing red as I turned around and marched into the building.

"Shut up." I muttered and went inside.

"Oi!  Wait up shit ass nerd!" He said running up to me.

"Who's doing the chasing now, huh?" I said with a small smirk glancing over at him. He let out a low-and somewhat sexy- growl before punching my shoulder.

"Race ya!" He yelled over his shoulder and shutout any other choice, I followed.

Bakugo pov

I obviously won having arrived about 5 minutes before deku did. I went over to my seat, sat down and looked out the window will my usual glare.

Shit hair (kirishima) and pikachu (kiminari) walked over to me and sat down in the seats behind and in front of me expecting me to say something.

Annoyed with the silence I growled. "What you losers want."

"Oh you know, how's your dare goin-" shit hair started saying but j cut him off not wanting no one to head and especially not deku sho had just started walking in and heading over this way.

"Shut the fuck up losers I don't know what the fuck you're talkin' bout now go die!" I yelled at them in response. Mostly everyone was used to my random outbursts so no one bothered turning around my way as they both of em left and deku headed towards me.

He raised an eyebrow and have me a questioning glance. It was cute to be honest. Wait no it wasn't. I couldn't develop feelings for him. It didn't matter if I'm gay, no, straight or not. I just couldn't. He sat down at his desk before he started talking.

"What was that about?" He asked.

I didn't look at him.

"Dunno what the fuck you're talking bout." I said trying to sound mad. But I couldn't. Not to him.

"Fine then don't tell me. I'm gonna go talk to Uraraka for a bit. See ya." He gave a small smile before getting up and walking towards her. A pang of jealousy hit me in the gut but I just grunted in response not letting myself say anything I would probably regret.

A few minutes later, the bell rang indicating the start of school, and everything else after that passed by in a blurb.

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