~timeskip: end of day~

Deku pov

The day had gone along pretty quickly with the somewhat same schedule as always. I slipped into little space edit a little bit during lunch with the help of Uraraka for half of the time and then Kacchan.

The bell rang and everyone was getting up and getting ready to head home for the day. Putting my stuff away, Uraraka and Iida came over to my desk as I shouldered my things and faced them.

"Ready?" Uraraka asked. I nodded and we started heading out the door since I Kacchn told us to go on and not wait for him.

"I'll meet up with you guys in a bit. I gotta talk to these losers first." We all nodded and got all the way to the front doors before I realized I forgot something.

"I'll be right back I think I left something back in the classroom! Don't wait for me I'll catch up to you guys when I get back." Again they nodded as I headed back into the  building making my way down the familiar pathway.

I stopped at the slightly cracked door not wanting to interrupt the conversation someone seemed to be having inside. But no matter how much I tried, I couldn't help but overhear what they were saying.

"You shooed us away earlier. But now is the time we actually get answers." The first voice said. It sounded somewhat familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Well want the fuck do you expect me to say? That I lost the bet and that's why I'm hanging out with deku?" That was Kacchan's voice....

The other people said something. But I wasn't listening to then anymore. My mind could only seen to focus on his voice.

"No I don't like him! Go die! I don't ever like or love that shit ass nerd and never will. Be realistic, shit hair. That's not happening."

He's only hanging out with me cause of a lost bet....
He won't ever love me....
There was never a chance....

I thought he actually changed. I thought he cared. But he didn't.

I hung my head low and walked away from the door. I didn't bother going back inside. I made it outside the school and onto the beautiful streets. Tears threatened to spill and my heart beater faster than it had in a long time.

I was so lost in my thoughts i wasn't seeing where I was going and couldn't hear anything either. A hand grabbed onto my shoulder, and I snapped out of my thoughts looking back at sho it was.

It was the same handsome face I fell in love with.

"Deku! I've been calling your name for the last minute trying to catch up to you! Why the hell'd you ignore me?"

Tears filled my eyes onfe again but I wouldn't let them fall. Not yet at least. And not for him.

"Look me in my eyes," I whispered.he looked confused but he did.

"And tell me this ain't fake." His ruby red eyes flashed with different emotions at once.

Anger, worry, panic, sadness and guilt.

He tried getting close to me. "Deku, let me explain-"

"NO!" I yelled cutting him off.


Realization hit his face. But he looked away. I lifted his chin up trying to meet his gaze, but he gently jerked away.

"I-I'm sorry." He started saying. But it was my turn to look away.

"Sure you are." I started walking away. But he didn't follow.

"You know why the saddest part was?" No response. "It was the fact that I thought you could love me too."

"Deku, I do love you. I was just lying to them. They couldn't know the truth. I really do love you."

That made me stop. But only for a second. And then I scoffed realizing I was about to fall again.

"Sure you do. I just don't believe it any more."

The sky was supposed to cry with me. Just like in any other story. But it didn't. Its colors shined bright and beautiful. But my heart raged with a thunderstorm inside.

"Goodbye bakugo." 

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