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"Kacchan!" The teenage green haired boy started approaching the blonde.

"Shut it deku," the blonde sneered and started walking the other way.

"Did you forget or do I need to remind You? Quirkless shit like you, can't be seen with people like me."

"But kacchan, I just thought when I get my quirk-" he was cut off by the others laughter.

"You? Getting a quirk? Don't be ridiculous. Your quirk should've developed when we were younger. Don't lie to yourself!" They all laughed and started walking away again, leaving a stunned deku rooted to the ground.

Deku pov

'Maybe all he needs is a little space.' Deku thought. 'Maybe he'll come around... I'll just wait...

Maybe if I act nice towards him and he notices me, maybe he'll like me like I like him.


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