Save Me a Dance

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Caroline and Delta arrived at the venue early on Saturday night. They busied themselves checking and rechecking everything. Making sure that the party would go off without a hitch. They stood at the back of the ballroom as the guests began to arrive. The band, although dressed in period-appropriate clothing, played the latest songs. After all the guest arrived and the Westfields made their grand entrance, Caroline sent Delta to check on the heavy hors d'oeuvres as she made her way through the crowd.

She was mingling as was stopped by and hand holding a white rose. She followed the hand up the arm to the face.

"Tyler," she said, eyes wide.

"Hey Care," he said with a crooked smile. "This is for you," he said still holding the rose out to her. She took it with a sigh. "It's great to see you," he said stepping in to hug her. She wrapped her arms around him and momentarily basked in the warmth and familiarity the hug brought her.

"It's nice to see you too, Tyler," she said releasing him. "Thank you for the rose." He nodded. "I have to go," Caroline said.

"Save me a dance," he said as she passed him. She turned slightly and looked into his soulful brown eyes.

"Sure," she whispered. He smiled at her before heading off in the opposite direction.

"Ugh. Don't do it, Caroline," she thought to herself. "Tyler Lockwood lost his chance to be with you. Don't let the fact that he's still the hot and sexy and sweet and ugh...stop it!" she thought shaking her head as she made her way through the crowd.

"Caroline, dear." Mrs. Westfield called out to her as she approached. "There is someone you should meet," she said linking her arm into the arm of the blonde party planner.

"Of course," Caroline said as she prepared herself to meet some stuffy old person who would have nothing but terrible things to say about the party. The woman led her through the crowd. Caroline handed Delta the rose as she passed by her. When they reached a small group, Mrs. Westfield placed her hand on the arm of a tall man that had his back to them.

"Excuse me," she said. Caroline blue eyes were the size of saucers when she caught a glimpse of the man's profile and his mask. It was black velvet with brilliant gold trim around the outside and the eyes of the mask. It tied in the back with six ribbons. "Mr. Mikaelson, this is our party planner, Caroline Forbes." He turned to her and gave her a crooked smile.

"We've met," Caroline said looking into his eyes. His blue stare left her breathless.

"Oh, lovely!" Mrs. Westfield said cheerily. "Caroline dance with Mr. Mikaelson," she said placing Caroline's hand in his. "You should catch up."

"Of course," Klaus said as he led Caroline to the middle of the dance floor.

"Nice mask," Caroline said avoiding his eyes.

"It matches my clothing," he said smugly. She looked at him. He wore a black tuxedo with a gold waistcoat and black swirl accents. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," she said as they danced. She couldn't help but revel in the sensation his touch brought her. The electric spark that jolted her every time he spoke.

"I'm glad to see you're so successful," he said as he swept her gracefully across the floor. "You deserve only the best," he said with a gentle smile. She looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity of his words.

"Thank you," she said looking away. "Get it together, Caroline." she thought. "Don't be pulled in by the suaveness. It's still Klaus." "Why are you here? What do you want?"

"I assure my motives are all above board, love." he chuckled. "I received an invitation and I do love a good party," he said with a crooked grin. Caroline had to look away. That crooked smile would be the death of her. Or at least of her sanity. As the song ended he pulled her closer to him. "Save me the last dance, Caroline," he whispered in her ear. She simply nodded. His warm breath on her ear had sent chills throughout her whole body and she was now paralyzed in place. He kissed her on the forehead before disappearing into the crowd. Caroline remained in the place he left her. She didn't understand what was happening.

"Caroline?" Delta asked touching her friend's arm.

"Huh? What?" she asked looking at her.

"Are you alright?"

"Uh, office now."

"Right behind you," Delta said as she followed hurriedly through the crowded room. Caroline opened the door, allowed Delta inside, shut the door, locked it and then turned on the radio. "What's going on? What's with this rose?" she asked holding the rose out to her.

"Klaus and Tyler," Caroline said her hand on her forehead. "They're both here and charming and perfect and ugh."

"What happened?"

"Do you remember I told you about the white rose?" she said.

"Yeah, so?"

"White rose, Delta. He was just being romantic."

"Oh," Delta said eyes wide. "Ok."

"Have you seen Klaus?"

"Not up close," Delta said.

"Oh, well, do you see this mask?" Caroline asked pointing to the one on her face.

"Yeah, it's beautiful," she said smiling.

"Thanks well, he's wearing a matching one."


"Klaus is wearing a matching mask. And then his waistcoat matches my dress. How did he know?" Caroline questioned as she leaned against the desk.

"I'm sure it was just a lucky guess," Delta said reassuringly. "Ok, but why are we in here?"

"I can't deal with them. I mean I'm at work and they can't just be here trying" Caroline said searching for her next words.

"Trying to what?" her friend questioned.

"I don't know," she said folding her arms. "I danced with Klaus." she blurted out.

"How was it?" Delta asked excitedly.

"It was just a dance." Caroline lied.

"Then why even mention it?" the brown haired girl asked. Caroline looked her in the eyes.

"I don't know," she said. "He asked me to save him the last dance," she said quickly.

"The last dance. He brought his A game tonight."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Caroline asked.

"The last dance is important. It's the one that you'll remember forever." Delta explained. "Did you dance with Tyler?"

"No. He did ask me to save him one, though."

"I would make sure it was before the last dance."

"Right! That Original hybrid/former sired hybrid showdown is not going to ruin this party." Caroline said turning the radio off. "I can do this."

"You don't want to be with either of them, right?" Delta said.

"No," Caroline said avoiding her eyes.

"Then just dance with them. It's just dancing and this is a professional setting for you. You're in control." Delta said as she adjusted Caroline's dress.

"You're right. I'm in control." Caroline said confidently. "Let's go," she said as she opened the door and threw herself back into the fray.

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