They Want a Masquerade Ball

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"How could you not tell me?" Caroline asked flopping down in her desk chair.

"I tried but you didn't even look at the list," Delta said.

"How did Klaus even get an invitation?" the blonde questioned.

"The Westfields invited society from all over the country."

"Ugh. I honestly don't think that being the king of an underground misfit gang of nightwalkers counts as being "society"." Caroline said rolling her eyes.

"He's not only that, he's friends with the mayor and a lot of the members of the city council," Delta informed her.

"How do you know so much about him?"

"I like research," she said sheepishly. "It doesn't matter. I should have assumed he would get one."

"And Tyler?" Caroline asked.

"He returned to Mystic Falls to become the mayor," Delta said.

"What?" Caroline said shocked. "Tyler's the mayor of Mystic Falls? How could my mom not tell me?"

"Probably because when she asked you about him you pretend like your still friends so she just assumed that he would have told you his good news," Delta said matter of factly.

"Whatever. Why would they vote for him?"

"Something about people being scared after some strange happenings and I guess they found his slogan, catchy or reassuring or something."

"What was it?" the blonde asked.

"Vote Lockwood to LOCK the strange out of Mystic Falls." Delta recited.


"Yeah and apparently, no one knows that he's a hybrid."

"Obviously. That's insane," Caroline said. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"Maybe nothing. I mean you haven't talked to either of them in years," Delta said.

"You might be right. Well, I can't think about it right now. I've got so much to do before Saturday." Delta nodded and left Caroline's office. As she sat at her desk the phone rang.

"Forbes Planning," she answered happily.

"This is Mrs. Westfield, dear," the prissy voice said.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" Delta asked as she picked up a pen and pretended to stake herself.

"Dr. Westfield and I think that it would be grand if our party this Saturday night were a masquerade ball," she said cheerily.

"A masquerade ball?" the assistant asked.

"Yes. Masks mixed with the period dress will be amazing."

"Of course. I'll let Miss Forbes know," Delta said as she placed her forehead on the desk.

"Thank you, dear," Mrs. Westfield before ending the call. Delta sighed heavily before she rose and knocked on Caroline's door.

"What?" Caroline answered.

"It about the party," she said entering the room.

"No," the blonde woman said shaking her head. "No. I don't want to hear any more changes," she said rising from her desk. "No more flower selection changes. No more 'limos are so passe. How about horse-drawn carriages.'. No more anything."

"Are you done?"

"Yes. What is it?"

"Masquerade ball."

"What?" Caroline questioned.

"They want everyone to wear masks," Delta answered.

"Are you freaking kidding me?! It's Monday!" Caroline asked through gritted teeth. "Ugh, fine. Call the calligrapher and tell him to send out additional note cards saying Westfields Masquerade Ball. Masks required for entry Must...underline must...must fit the theme of the 1860s."

"Anything else?"

"No. Only if one of them calls again, tell them that the party plans have been finalized and if they ask for anything else the party will have to be canceled and rescheduled." Caroline said putting her hands on her head.

"I got it," Delta said leaving the office shutting the door behind her.


" Good afternoon, Delta." the charming FedEx delivery guy said as he carried in a few packages.

" Hi Grant," she said placing her romance novel down on the desk.

"What's happening today?" he asked her pointing to the book.

" Taylor just told Stephen that he can't marry Tiffany because she's dying, but that's not true. Taylor is the one dying and she wants Stephen to marry her before she dies." Delta explained wiping the tears from her eyes. " But Tiffany suspects something is up. It's all so tragic."

"Well, I hope it all works out for..." Grant said.

"Tiffany and Stephen," she said.

"Right. Just sign right here," he said handing her the digital signature box. She signed it and slide the packages close to her. " I'll see you."

"Bye," Delta said not giving him another glance. He sighed and exited the office. She looked through the packages and as she was organizing them she came across a medium size white square box with a black and gold ribbons tied around it. There was a note attached to it. Delta grabbed it and knocked on Caroline's door.

"Come in," she said. When Delta entered, Caroline was walking around her office, tablet in hand.

"This came for you," she said handing her friend the box.

"Oh! Present!" Caroline said happily, laying her tablet on the desk. She took the box and began to untie the bow. "Go back to work, Delta," she said with a laugh.

"Well, you can't blame me for being curious." she shrugged as she exited the office. Caroline sat behind her desk, box in front of her. She pulled the note attached to the box off and read it;

Please accept this as a token of appreciation

That was it. No signature, nothing. She assumed it was from the Westfields because of all the shit they'd put her through. She untied the bow, lifted the lid and removed the thin layer of paper. Underneath was a mask. It was soft black velvet trimmed in brilliant gold around the outside and around the eyes. At the top of the mask, between the eyes was a shiny black stone. She put the mask on and tied the six ribbons behind her head. The mask fit perfectly over her eyebrows and across her nose. She smiled at herself in the mirror.

Caroline had no idea how the Westfields knew that the dress she was wearing was gold with a black lace overlay but she was so excited about the mask. She hadn't found on and when Delta brought her the gift she was searching for but had come up empty-handed. She looked at herself in the mask again before taking it off. She smiled to herself as she placed the mask back in the box.

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