What are you talking about

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Hermione was the first to wake up feeling good washed her face and realized she was early to wake up so she read a few book to let the time pass then she hear Draco walking Draco downstairs hard so he must of been walking with a purpose he sees Malfoy walk over to her saying

Draco: Alright Granger you caught me off guard last you wanna fight then fine

Before Hermione could even get up Draco had pinned her down and straddle her to the couch so she couldn't move

Draco: let's fight

She looks so cute in the morning..what are you saying stop it she's not normal she's just crazy


Hermione: Malfoy Get off of me what are you talking about?

Hermione was confused she hasn't even thrown in a insult yet..she doesn't even know what happened

Draco: Don't play dumb with me mudblood..come on you wanna fight

Hermione had tears flowing down her eye she was confused Draco finally got off Hermione as she rubbed her wrist that hurt and Draco paces himself back and forth

Draco: I don't understand you last night on my shift

Hermione: last night I was sleep when you were on your shift ow my wrist what is your problem

Draco sits next to Hermione with his face buried in his hands

Draco: I think I'm loosing my mind

Hermione: yeah you are

Draco: Shut Granger I don't need your commentary

Hermione: no what you need is a therapist

Hermione gets up and walks into her room

Draco: Hermione..I'm sorry about pouching on you

Hermione looks at Draco then shakes her head saying

Hermione: I accept your apology..but why did you do that

Draco: I just..I..Nothing sorry


Hermione: And he just pounced on me talking about how I attacked him last night

Harry: well did you

Hermione: no I was asleep

Harry: maybe you were sleepwalking and attacked him

Hermione: don't be silly Harry

Ginny then walk in kinda tired her hair in a sloppy bun with sweatpants and a t-shirt

Fred: gosh Gin you look like shi-

Ginny give a death stare to Fred letting him know today is not the day to be messing with her

Fred: sweet girl

Ginny puts her head on the table and was comforted by Harry's happy spirt and love me then give her mini ticklish kisses her on the cheek causing her to laugh a little

Ginny: Harry

Harry: come on Gin cheer up

Ginny: I know..I know I'm just tired and I didn't put any effort so I look like crap today and

Harry: Ginny

Harry scoots her next to her so that she is resting in his chest

Harry: your perfect..I still love you the same

Then Ron walks in with a angry look on his face he sits angrily next to Hermione

Hermione: Fred have you decided if your going to ask Parkinson out

Fred: shhh not so loud

Hermione rolls her eyes

Hermione: it's not like she has super hearing

Fred: still I'm serious

Hermione: Okay..okay..when are you gonna ask her out

Fred: um I don't know how to ask her out that's the problem

Hermione: just ask her it's not that hard

Fred: yes it is..she is so pretty and I just need to approach her

Ron: like a normal human bein now can you shut up about Parkinson so some of us can enjoy our food

George: woo someone's cranky

Ron: keep messing with me and I'll show you just how cranky I can get

Hermione: Ron! Stop..what's wrong

Ron: uggh Lavander is being complimented again

George: again?

Ron: last night she said she was ready to date then when we started dating she says she's not ready it's really annoying and I can't take it

Hermione: Well I think you should address her about how you feel

Ron:I can't do that..she will just start crying

Hermione: Well I don't know what else to tell you Ron

Ron: I'm gonna leave her

George: isn't that a little harsh don't you think

Ron: No that girl can't make up her mind and I'm not here for that so I'm done with her

Fred: Okay But you need to be careful who you dump she has a lot of friends and you might not ever get a girlfriend here again

Ron: Yeah right Fred..she's not that popular

George: Okay he warned you

Ginny: So Harry I was thinking tonight we could hangout

Harry: you mean like a date

Ginny: Yeah

Harry: Okay sounds great meet at the corridors at 8

Ginny: Okay

Ginny gives peck kiss to Harry then the bell rings and they all get up to go but little does Ginny know is that she is up for a surprise tonight


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