Too Far

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Ginny was done with quidditch her limbs were numb she was tired breathless sweaty and just wanted to relax and that's what she did..Ginny sat in the Gryffindor Common Relaxing..eyes closed..she took a nap on the couch of the common room while boys were either running around or girls or they were throwing spells then Dean walks up in front of her

Dean: Weasley you worked your arse off this practice

Ginny: I know..Oliver really didn't have a good day today

Dean: and he took that out on you that's messed up..pissed me off..I'm sorry he-

Ginny: no it's not your fault..

Harry (Clone) was walking and saw Ginny talking with Dean and laughing..and Harry (Clone) got jealous

Harry (Clone)POV
What in the bloody hell is she doing..she is I suppose to love Harry Potter not this wannabe Jackson 5 member...Oh she will learn today

Ginny saw Dean run to Seamus chasing him she started to laugh then she jumped as she heard Harry (Clone)

Harry (Clone): Yeah they funny huh

Ginny jumped as she saw Harry but now since it was light Harry looked a little different his his hair was spiked up in a fade haircut and he was wearing the same glasses Ginny was still scared to see that Harry gave her a evil look

Ginny: Harry I

Harry (Clone) looked around to see no one else in the common then pounced he pounced on top of Ginny grabbing her by her shoulders..Ginny felt tears stream down her face this was definitely not the Harry she knew..he was more bipolar and looked different each time she saw him

Harry (Clone): So you think he's better than me

Ginny: No Harry I don't please..owe your hurting me

Harry (Clone): Who do you belong too

Ginny: You Harry-

Harry (Clone): ME

Ginny flinched and looked away

Harry (Clone): Look at me Weasley

When Ginny refused to look at Harry (Clone)


Ginny: NO..Harry your scaring me

Harry (Clone) attacked her neck with kisses..Ginny knew she shouldn't like what Harry was doing but she signed as he kissed her neck she knew that he would leave a hickey on her neck..and that's just what he did Harry grabbed her chin and she was forced to look at him his eyes were kinda cold but full of love

Harry: This Hickey means that no one except Harry Potter is allowed to kiss you and be with you okay

Ginny shakes her head

Then the craziest thing happened when Ginny turned her head to see who walked in it was Harry..but that weird cause Harry is currently on top of her..So then who's that at the door

Harry (Clone): HARRY

Harry: Clone Harry

Ginny looked at Harry (Clone) that was on top of her

Ginny: Clone Harry ?

Harry (Clone) jumped off of Ginny and Ginny backed away from Harry (Clone) and over to Ginny Harry..Harry turns to look at Harry (Clone)

Harry: you better have a good reason for why you were on my girl

Harry (Clone): Don't you mean our girl

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