What's wrong Ginny?

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Harry felt bad or blowing Ginny off last night he wanted to make it up to her..Harry sees Ginny with her quidditch bag folding her clothes and gear

Harry: Hey Gin

Ginny looked up at Harry and turned pale in the face Ginny took a few steps back

Harry: Hey look I really wanted to apologize for yesterday I was tired and was a really douchie thing for me to do

Ginny (thinks I'm her head): yeah it was..you were being a total jerk and you slapped me

Harry (thinks I'm his head): I hope she's not mad I didn't come to the date last night I still love her and don't want her to think any less

Harry: So I was thinking..maybe we can reschedule another date tonight

Harry folded her last piece of clothing then puts it in her bag

Ginny: I'm um gonna be busy

Harry: Oh okay..how about tomorrow night

Ginny: I have a dentist..um..I um I-...gotta go

Ginny runs away from Harry

Harry: Ginny..Ginny wait

What happen to Gin why is she avoiding me..I got a weird feeling what is going on


Hermione was sitting in the prefects common room reading a book but she kept having this weird feeling in her stomach that someone was watching her and she didn't know what it was just that it was unsettling then when she hears something come close enough the whip out her wand and jumps up

Draco: Woo Granger take it easy

Draco was wearing only a towl around his waist his hair was wet and in his face

Hermione: God Malfoy can you put in some clothes

Draco: You should be lucky not a-lot of girls get to see me like this

Hermione: ugh your disgusting

Draco (thinking in his head): Bet you would be saying something else if I kiss you Granger

Hermione: I don't know I might have to check if I got all my shots

Draco: Yeah whatever..just cause I apologize don't take my kindness for weakness

Hermione: Ferret the last thing I want to be is your friend so don't go thinking I like you cause that can change really quick

Draco trapped Hermione in between he as he pressed her up against the wall

Draco: What are you going to do huh..your smaller than me..mudblood..I could snap you like a toothpick

Hermione: Get out of my face Malfoy

Draco gets closer

Draco: or else what..huh what you gonna do..kiss me

Draco (thinking in his head): I wish you would..please..kiss me

Hermione cocked her hand back and slapped Draco in the face then walked up to her room and slammed the door shut


Draco (thinking in his head): nice one Draco you just had to go with the kiss me line

Ever since 3rd year I've had this obsession with Hermione I don't know what is causing it but I know that I can't let Granger know I'm all lovey dovey on her I'm still her superior and she is just a lower class than me


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