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Draco was strolling down the hallway to class and lucky for Draco he sat next to Hermione he can't wait to see her jealous face when he walks in Draco sees Hermione writing notes in a parchment while Ron was flirting with Lavender and Harry and Ginny were making Googly eyes at each other then Professor Mcgonagall walks in and Draco takes his seat next to her

How could I be so stupid thinking that Draco would ever like was just lust that took over..its time to move on to..not focus on him..his cruelty will not pass


Draco: Miss me Granger

Hermione didn't respond she just kept writing

Did she just ignore me who the bloody hell does she think she is

Ron then turns to Hermione

Ron: Hey Hermione I heard McLaggin fancy's you But was too scared to come and talk to you so he wanted to know what you think of him

Hermione looked over at Cormac

Cormac runs his hands through his hair as he started to take notes on his parchment Hermione then smiles and looks to Ron

Hermione: I'll talk to him after class

Draco almost broke the quill in his hand

This is not what was suppose to happen..Cormac and Granger..There is no way she would agree to go out with McLaggin

While in the middle of taking notes Hermione finished and handed it to Professor Mcgonagall early then got to reading

Draco: Still fantasizing about our kiss

Hermione once again ignored him and kept reading and the more she ignored him the more pissed off Draco got..Draco saw her wand sticking out of her back pocket of her jeans so he grabbed it and Hermione snapped to look at him

Hermione: Ferret give it back

Draco: Mmm why should I

Hermione: cause it's mine now please give it back

Draco: I don't think I will

Hermione takes a deep breathe in then exhales out

Hermione: Okay

Hermione looks back down at her book and kept reading this is not what Draco had planned

Draco: that's it..did the little lioness give up already

Professor Mcgonagall: Mr Malfoy it there a reason that you must bother Ms Granger

Professor Mcgonagall looked too see not only does Draco have his wand but Hermione's wand in his hand also

Professor Mcgonagall: If you could kindly give Ms Granger back her wand and that will be 30 points from Slytherin for thievery of another's property

Draco turned red in the face as Hermione got her wand back and resume to reading

Draco was officially pissed he expected Hermione to turn around and yell at him to give it back but instead she is acting like he isn't worth any of her time

The bell rings and Hermione gets up and walks away with her head high Draco was gonna make sure he broke her Hermione stopped to talk to Cormac and Draco eavesdropped into that conversation

Hermione: Hey Cormac

Cormac: Hey Hermione..uh I see Ron told you

Cormac was rubbing the back of his neck

Hermione: Yes and I fancy you too

Cormac: you do

Cormac said with excitement

Hermione: yeah

Cormac: would you like to hangout at hogsmeade tonight

Hermione smiled

Hermione: I would love too

Cormac grabs Hermione's hand softly then kisses it softly making Hermione blush

Cormac: See you tonight

Draco couldn't believe that instead of waiting for him she just goes out with another dude like what Draco did didn't even matter

Hermione walks up to her room and Jumps on her bed happy feeling accomplished


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