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it was around 1.45 in the afternoon, the members were at the practice room. they were practicing all their songs when younghyun accidentally hit the mic with his bass guitar while spinning. everyone stopped practicing and looked at younghyun. "uhh, sorry. hehe," younghyun said with a sheepish smile.

sungjin shook his head, jae blinked probably more than a thousand times, while the two maknaes were giggling at their hyung's idiocy. ever since he got those fox ears and tail, he's been very foolish. and the members actually found it kinda cute (sungjin denies) and they couldn't bring themselves to scold him.

"bob, we've been practicing for two hours straight! c'mon, let's take a break," jae whined, and the maknaes agreed. even younghyun was nodding his head. "shush you children. and call me bob one more time i dare you and i will slaughter y-" "hyuuunnggg let's take a breeeaaakk," wonpil said, with his puppy eyes to win sungjin's heart.

with everyone going against him, sungjin could only sigh and nod. all the four members cheered and decided that they went to buy food. "jae hyung, you coming?" "nah, i'll stay here. buy me lobster." "what about you younghyunnie hyung?" "i guess i'll stay here with jae." "aight, have fun you love birds." "kim wonpil cOME BACK HERE YOU SNA-" the door was slammed.

jae stood there with his mouth open while younghyun sat and stared, raising an eyebrow. jae sighed and walked around the room, bored. younghyun kept his eyes on jae, observing him, his eyes following his every move, watching him like he's his prey. jae felt eyes on him, and turned to look at younghyun. he was definitely weirded out by his best friend. why was he staring so intensely? jae felt like younghyun would pounce on him and eat him up, with his sharp eyes gazing at him, his fox ears perked, and his tail slowly moving side to side behind him. it really felt like he was a prey.

"bro, why you staring at me? got something on my face?" jae asked, feeling scared and cautious. younghyun shook his head but his eyes were still on jae. oh my god, what does this kid want? i feel scared... can he stop staring? jae thought to himself. suddenly, younghyun stood up and walked towards him. as younghyun made his way towards jae, jae backed away until his back hit the wall. his heart was pounding loudly in his chest, he hoped younghyun wouldn't hear it with his heightened sense of hearing.

when jae wanted to make an escape, his arms got caught. shit... jae closed his eyes when younghyun leaned in. what is going on? is younghyun gonna do something? jae felt the hairs on his neck stand, damn he was really scared. am i gonna die like this? he heard a sniff, and opened his eyes. younghyun was sniffing his neck. what is he doing? oh my god please don't kill me. "hyung, did you wear sungjin hyung's deodorant?" that question caught him off-guard. what? "no, it's a new perfume i bought," jae answered, furrowing his eyebrows.

"really? well, it smells like his deodorant," younghyun said and returned back to his spot. "but i bought this for thirty dollars!" jae argued. what? he stared at me like some prey, he made me feel like he's gonna eat me, he made me feel scared, he made me feel like i'm dying just because of that? whAt? at this point, jae was beyond shocked. he couldn't believe that he, park jaehyung, is scared of his best friend. out of all things? he heaved a breath he didn't know he was holding. younghyun returned back to his spot after that.

he seems to be happy, not noticing jae's shock. the younger boy just smiled at his hyung, when jae caught something. his teeth, specifically canine teeth, seems way sharper than usual. "bri hold on. open your mouth," jae said, walking towards the said boy. younghyun opened his mouth, confusion written all over his face. when jae looked at younghyun's teeth, the canine teeth did seem sharper. he proceeded to touch the canine tooth of his best friend, and regretted it immediately.

"OW," jae screamed. hearing jae scream, younghyun got worried. "hyung, are you okay? oh my god what happened? there's a cut on your finger!" he said, voice filled with concern and worry when he looked at jae's finger. blood started to trickle down jae's finger, and, for some peculiar reason, younghyun found it appetizing. he snappes out of his trance and dragged jae to the bathroom. jae washed his finger but he was wincing as water made contacy with the wound.

"so much blood... all i did was touch your canine tooth," jse said with a frown. younghyun furrowed his eyebrows. his canine tooth? he opened his mouth and looked at his teeth. they seemed normal to him. so what happened? "dude, your teeth are really sharp." "hyung, how can a human teeth cut through flesh?" jae shrugged.

when they returned back to the practice room, sungjin, wonpil and dowoon were there eating their lunch. "sooo... where's my lobster? did you buy it?" jae asked with his eyes sparkling. "ah, they didn't sell lobster," sungjin replied. "they don't sell lobster? what? i heard that they sold lobster from jimin!" "hyung, do you think that you can trust jimin that much with food? you guys like to prank each other, so i think she'll joke about lobster to you," wonpil piped in and giggled.

"nooo, my lobster!" jae whined and continued to make weird noises. younghyun didn't even care about jae and started to eat whatever they bought. he hummed as the chicken tasted tender and sweet, it felt soft in his mouth. he continued stuffing his face with food until all of them were full. then, they continued their practice.

two hours later and they were free to go home. while walking, younghyun asked jae a question which got him stammering. "hyung, just now while the others were out, were you scared that i was gonna do something to you?" "n-no. i wa-wasn't scared. why would i-i be sc-scared? haha," jae answered and cursed at himself for stuttering. younghyun found himself amused with jae's reaction and smirked.

"yeah hyung, you weren't scared at all."

ello. i've updated another chapter. it's kinda long. huhuhuhu. anyway, i hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! tbh, i have absolutely no plot. even on my first book 'tutor'. HAHAHA welp, have a good day/night!

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