TTYL. (A Niall Horan Fanfic)

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"Nicole, wake up!," my cousin Jackie's voice rang in my ears. I shot up quickly, nearly breaking her nose with my forehead. "Hey watch it!," she exclaimed, rubbing the tip of her nose. "Why did you wake me up so early? It's Saturday!," I said. "You're phone woke me up. It was AIM," she said, handing me my phone.

I glanced at the screen, my vision still blurred from being half asleep. 4 New Instant Messages from 'IrishGuitarist913.' I smiled gently and threw my phone down, not reading any of the instant messages. "Hey, why don't you go downstairs, I'll be down in a minute," I said to Jackie, sitting up straighter.

She nodded her head and went downstairs, closing the door behind her. Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Nicole Montgomery, I'm 17 and currently a senior at Doncaster High in Doncaster, England. My best friend is my cousin, Jackie, but I do have a few other friends at school.

I am currently single, but I'm actually pretty happy about that. Nobody is there to ruin my senior year. I constantly instant message this guy who's screen name is 'IrishGuitarist913.' He's 18, but that's all I know about him, I don't even know his name yet.

We've been talking for quite a long time now and I'd like to consider him a close friend, maybe even a best friend. My mom is a stay at home mom while my dad is a manager at a very important law firm. "Nicole are you almost ready?," Jackie screamed from the bottom of my steps. "Just a second!," I screamed back, glancing down at my phone.

I unlocked my iPhone and looked at the 4 IMs from IrishGuitarist913.

IrishGuitarist913: Hellllloooooo :)

IrishGuitarist913: You there??

IrishGuitarist913: Nicccooolllleeeeeeeeeeee!

IrishGuitarist913: Where areee youuuuuu????

I finally typed back after about 30 minutes of no activity from IrishGuitarist913.

NicoleBabyx0x0: Hey! Sorry, I was SLEEPING. ;)

*One Minute Later*

IrishGuitarist913: Oh good, I thought you had forgotten about me.

NicoleBabyx0x0: How could I? You never leave me alone. ;)

IrishGuitarist913: How's school?

NicoleBabyx0x0: How do you think? It's school.

We talked for about another 15 minutes before Jackie came barging through the door. "Hey! How about a little privacy!," I said, locking my phone and throwing it back into my pocket. You see, nobody knows about IrishGuitarist913. I am the only one who knows about him.

I walked downstairs, leaving my phone on my bed and walking into the kitchen. "Smells great mom," I said, sitting at my usual spot at the table. She smiled, "Honey, we have some news." "Good or bad?," I asked, still eating my pancakes.

"'s news," my dad said from across the table. I took a deep breath and waited for the news to come. "Well, your father is being transferred to a new firm in Mullingar, Ireland," my mom said with a deep breath. "WHAT!?," I screamed, standing up and walking away from the table.

"I'm sorry, but it pays more," my dad said, still sitting at the table. "W-what about my friends? And Jackie?," I asked, my heart sinking even more as I talked about it. "I don't know," my mom said. I rushed upstairs and into my room, slamming the door shut and logging back onto AIM.

1 New Message from IrishGuitarist913.

IrishGuitarist913: It would be a lot better if you were here. :)

NicoleBabyx0x0: I would love that now more than ever.

IrishGuitarist913: Why is that? :(

NicoleBabyx0x0: Because I'm moving. :(((((

IrishGuitarist913: Why!? :(

NicoleBabyx0x0: My dad got some new job that pays more, blah blah blah. I have to leave everyone. :(

IrishGuitarist913: Aww babe, I'm sorry. I wish I could help :(

We talked again for some more time, before he had to go. I sighed and began packing my bags, we were leaving in 2 days and I had to have my entire room packed and ready to be loaded onto the truck Tuesday morning. I wouldn't be going to school because there was no point in even seeing my friends, I wouldn't see them ever again anyway.

*Tuesday Morning*

Tears streamed down my face as I hugged my cousin, Jackie, for the last time. "Please mom, can't she just come?," I asked one final time. "Honey, there's not enough room, I'm sorry," she said before getting into the moving truck. I sighed and kissed Jackie's forehead before leaving for the truck.

I opened the AIM app on my phone and quickly looked for IrishGuitarist913, hoping he was online. My heart skipped when I saw his name pop up on the 'Online' tab.

NicoleBabyx0x0: I just left now, new home here we come. :(

IrishGuitarist913: I'm still here. :)

NicoleBabyx0x0: You're about the only one.

I sighed once again before closing out the app and throwing my phone back into my purse. I looked through the back window of the moving truck and saw my cousin for the last time, well, the last time for a long time, until we'd finally see each other again.

"Nicole, I know this is hard, but it'll all be okay when we get to our new home," my dad said before I drifted asleep in the moving truck.


I woke up laying on my bed in an unfamiliar room. I glanced around, I was guessing that we were already in Ireland. I stood up, still a little groggy, and walked over to my window that was now on the right side of the room as opposed to the left.

As much as I hated the idea of moving away, Ireland was a gorgeous place to be. I would have to make all new friends and learn my way around a new school, but I could do it. The only thing I couldn't do was replace my cousin.

The doorbell rang soon after I learned where everything was in my room. I even had a walk in closet AND my own bathroom! I walked downstairs and into the huge family room, which was right next to the kitchen. 

"Nicole, come here!," my dad exclaimed from the door. I walked up to the door slowly and looked at a familiar face. I let out a large scream and wrapped my arms around my cousin tightly. "JACKIE!," I screamed, hugging her tight.

"I figured that she can have the guest room. Also, I thought you'd already been through enough so why not spend your senior year with your cousin?," my dad explained. I smiled and hugged him too. "Thank you so much!," I screamed. I walked Jackie upstairs and into her new room.

"Wow, does everyone have a walk in closet AND their own bathroom?," she asked. I nodded and she quickly threw her suticases down and plopped onto her king sized bed. "I can't believe we're here!," she screamed. Jackie was also 17, so we'd be spending our senior year together.

"Well, tomorrow, we are officially seniors of Mullingar High," I said with a slight sigh. She nodded, "I better get unpacked." I smiled and walked out of her room as she started to unpack. I walked into my room and found my phone ringing.

"Hello?," I asked. "Hi, my name is Louis and I'd like to welcome you to Mullingar High," the voice rang from the other end of the phone. "Are you class president or something?," I asked. "More like class clown!," a husky voice said in the background. I hung up soon after and went straight to bed, tomorrow was going to be a long day.


Author's Note;

New idea for a story! I hope you all like it :)

Maybe this story will get a bunch of reads too!

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