Surprise Surprise

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I glanced over at Jackie, her face filled with shock. "W-wh-what are you doing here?," Jackie asked Jake. I couldn't help but feel worried, Niall was supposed to be here a half hour ago. "I didn't die. I just got into a fender bender, nothing serious," Jake said.

I was watching Jackie and Jake, their eyes filled with love and joy. A tear dripped down my face as soon as my ringtone sounded. "I'm in love with you...and all your little things," my phone rang. I let out a sigh of relief and answered the phone quickly, that ringtone was set only for Niall.

"Hello love," he said. I tried to speak, but nothing was coming out of my mouth. I had myself sold on the fact that Niall was dead. "I just wanted to call you to tell you that I was okay, but I can't talk for long. I can only say one thing before I go and please don't call me. You may get hurt. Here's a hint; The sun will shine at the darkest point," were his last words before he hung up.

What did that even mean? I couldn't call him, he could only call me or I'll get hurt. The hint? Hint for what? I sat there, confused for about 10 minutes before Jackie broke me out of my thoughts. "What's wrong?," she asked. I wasn't telling anyone about this, the last thing I wanted was for Niall to get hurt.

"Niall isn't coming over, that's all," I said, trying not to cry. I didn't know how long it would be before I would see my boyfriend again. Where could he be? "Are you sure you're okay?," Jackie asked before walking over to Jake. I nodded my head and let her have her fun.

I watched her and Jake talk about how they're going to go on dates and have so much fun with each other. I was so happy for them, they were young and in love, well at least I thought they were.


A few weeks passed and I still hadn't seen Niall or spoke to him since he called me. I couldn't help but play love songs and depressing songs over and over in my head. I couldn't shake the thought that Niall could very well be dead and I will never know.

Jackie and Jake grew apart, but she started talking to a new kid named Harry. Harry something...I can't quite remember his last name. As for school, I haven't been there in weeks. I laid on my bed and occassionally looked over at my phone, hoping Niall would call me...he didn't.

I heard some laughter coming from the family room, which made me immediately think of Niall. He would always laugh no matter what was going on around him. He always made me smile. He always made me think of the positive things in life, how lucky I really was.

Just then my phone beeped and my heart leapt.

Niall Horan: I miss you. Just wanted to text you and let you know that everything is okay and I love you very much. I have to go, but remember; the sun will shine at the darkest point. :) xx

I read the message over and over again, trying to figure out where he was. The sun will shine at the darkest point...the sun will shine at the darkest point. What did that even mean? Jackie burst into my room seconds later, a smile of glee on her lips.

Her face fell as soon as she saw me. "I know you're upset, but can you at least explain to me what's wrong?," Jackie asked, her face full of thoughtfulness. "That night that Jake came over...Niall called. He said that he was fine, but I can't call him or I'll get hurt. He also gave me a hint...whatever that means. But I haven't seen or heard from him since," I said, tears pouring down my face.

"What was the hint?," she asked. "Huh?," I asked, somewhat confused. "You said he gave you a hint...what was the hint?," she asked. "The sun will shine at the darkest point," I said...trying to figure out what it meant. "That's a song!," she said.

I wasn't familiar with the song she was talking about, but she started playing a song immediately on her iPhone. I listened to the was talking about a scene. Concrete walls, surrounded by the woods. I thought of all of the places that I knew where there were concrete walls surrounded by the woods.

"SCARLET POINT!," I screamed. I hopped out of bed, wiped my tears, grabbed my keys and ran out the door, Jackie following close behind. I started my car and began driving to Scarlet Point. In a matter of 15 minutes, we were there and I was extremely nervous.

In the distance, a flash of blonde hair showed. I jumped out of my car and began running to the blonde haired person I just saw. As I got closer, I realized that the blonde haired person, was Niall. My boyfriend. The one who I hadn't seen in weeks.

I sprinted as fast as I could to reach him before I finally ran out of gas. Flinging myself into Niall's arms, I couldn't help but cry. I was just so overjoyed to see my baby. The guy who lights up my world like nobody else.

"What do you think you're doing?," a voice came from the distance. "Taking back my boyfriend," I said confidently, turning around and looking at someone who isn't familiar to me. "You said if she could find me, I could go home," Niall said to the guy. "Now we have to fight," the guy said, coming over and untieing Niall.

Niall stood up and braced himself to fight. I don't know what came over him, but he beat the crap out of that guy. Leaving him in the dirt, Niall picked me up and ran to the car. "What happened?," I asked as soon as we got in the car.

"An old enemy stole me and continuously told me that you didn't love me. He even told me that you were dating Liam, that you didn't even think of me anymore. He said if you came back for me, I could leave if I fought him," Niall said.

"I'm just glad you're back," I said, grasping him tightly in my arms. I couldn't stand not seeing Niall every day. He really completes me, nobody will ever change that.


I FINALLY updated! I hope you all like this chapter :)

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Also, if you have any suggestions as to what you want to happen next, comment them below and I'll try to incorporate them! :)

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