Baby, Be Mine?

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"Good morning my love," Niall said, brushing his cool hand across my cheek. "Good morning baby," I said, leaning over and cuddling into his chest. "Baby, I want to take you somewhere special," he said, lifting my head to look into his eyes.

"Where?," I asked. "That's a surprise," he said, getting up and throwing on a pair of jeans. "I have to shower first," he said, going into the bathroom and starting up the shower. I walked into the hallway and went into Harry's room, jumping on his bed.

"HAZ HAZ WAKE UP!," I screamed, shaking him to wake him up. "W-what do you want?," he asked, his voice still groggy. "Niall said he's taking me somewhere but I don't know where!," I screamed, laying next to him. "...and that's why you woke me up?," he asked, giving me a death stare.

"Yup," I said, looking at his curly hair and running my fingers through it. "Maybe he's taking you to the London Eye," Harry said, sitting up. My eyes practically popped out of my head, "REALLY?" "Calm down," he said, taking the covers off and going into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Niall seems like a 'London Eye' kind of guy," Harry said from the bathroom. I stood up and thanked Harry before leaving his room and going back into Niall's room. "Where have you been?," Niall asked, hopping out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel.

"Harry's room," I said, looking at Niall's abs. "You know, it's not polite to stare," he said with a smirk. I blushed slightly, "So, all I need to do is shower and we can go to wherever you're taking me," I said with a smile before going into the bathroom and starting up the shower.

After washing my body, I started to shampoo my hair with my sweet coconut shampoo. After shampooing, I finished up with shaving and conditioning my hair quickly. "Almost done?," I heard Niall ask from outside.

I stepped into the bedroom wearing nothing but a towel. "You know, it's not polite to stare," I told Niall with a slight giggle. He blushed slightly and walked over to me, "Who said I was staring?" I laughed at him slightly, "Get out so I can get dressed."

I threw on my cutest outfit that I could find which was an "XO" sweatshirt, white jeans and white lace TOMS. Loosely curling my hair, I finished my outfit and put on some mascara before opening the door. "You like?," I asked Niall.


His jaw dropped at the sight of me, making me giggle a little bit. "You look amazing," he said, kissing my cheek gently. I smiled and grasped his hand before leaving. "I love you," I said to Niall before we walked outside and went into his brand new Jeep.

"Can you tell me where we're going?," I asked him before he started the car. "You'll see," he said plainly.

Just then, my phone buzzed.

One New Message From: Haz

Haz: Tell me how it goes, I was cranky this morning. Hanging with Jackie today. Thanks for setting us up. :)

I smiled and replied back;

Nicole: I will and no problem, you two are cute :)

Putting away my phone, I looked up through the glass to see where we were. My breath was taken away by the beauty in what was in front of me. "The London Eye??," I asked, leaning over and kissing Niall's cheek gently.

"I rented out the entire thing just for us to get the best view of London," he said, getting out of the car, opening my door, and grabbing my hand. I walked to the beautiful structure in front of me, hand in hand with my amazing boyfriend.

As soon as we got in the pod, Niall sat me down at the table inside. "There was supposed to be candles in here," he said, sounding frustrated. "It's perfect," I said, leaning over the table and kissing Niall's lips.

Niall stood up and handed me a letter. "Read it," he said with a smile. I opened up the letter and began reading the amazing note that my boyfriend wrote me.

My Dearest Nicole,

No...wait, that was cheesy.

Dear Nicole,

I don't think that you understand how much I really love you. You've been in my life for a short time, but that time has made my life ten times better. You taught me how to love and how to accept someone just for who they are. You're the only one who really seems to understand the type of person that I am. Nicole Montgomery, look down.

I looked down quickly and saw my boyfriend on one knee, holding an amazing ring in one hand. "Baby, be mine?"


A/N! I hope you all liked this chapter and I know it's a cliff hanger, but you'll see why very soon! Thank you all for reading and I love you all so much! Keep reading and remember..

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