Chapter 1-Introduction

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Elle's POV
I look out the window as the trees blurred past my eyes. My finger tapped to the rhythm of the song Be my baby by the Ronnettes which played in the background on the car radio.

My mom stayed silent that whole car drive. I don't blame her, she's been through a lot these past 5 years.


We moved to Austin, Texas 5 years ago when I was 10 and when my dad was given this "brilliant" job opportunity. We had packed up all our things and left Tulsa without a question. After only a year of being in Austin, my dad was fired. My mom started working part time at the grocery store making very little money, which my dad would take and spend all her earnings on drinks at some shady bar.

I'm 15 now.

Yesterday evening my dad came home drunk, like he always does. He stank of whiskey and it made me want to vomit.

I was downstairs getting a glass of water and my mom was in the front room. He came in and hit my mom for no other reason than boredom. I hated hearing her small cries for help.

She has always told me to ignore it, but this time I couldn't. Not anymore, I can't stand and watch her helpless body. As he went to hit her again, I took a deep breath and screamed from the top of my lungs "STOP!" He froze, her voice went all quite and it felt like the whole world stopped. My legs turned to jelly as he slowly turned to me.

The rage in his eyes, the panic in my body. My heart pounding faster and faster every step he took towards me. He cursed at me and called me names. I was stepping back every step he took forward. My mom screaming at him to stop, to leave me alone. He didn't listen. My back eventually hit the wall behind me.

He laid his dirty hand on the side of my arms and got close to my face. I had to breath through my mouth as the smell of whiskey was too strong for me to handle. "Don't you ever try and disrespect me like that, do you hear me?" He growled his evil eyes staring right into mine.

I turned my head and squinted my eyes shut trying to block him and my mom yelling at him to stop out. He slapped my face towards him and I tired to hold back the tears. "DO YOU HEAR ME" he screamed so loud I thought my ear drums would burst. He then violently through my body against the wall causing me to bang my hand and then he let go. I heard my mom scream as I slid down the wall and my vision turning black.

This morning I was woken up by my mom but I didn't realize it was morning because it was still pitch dark out my window. She told me that we were leaving while my dad was asleep. She told me to pack quickly and that we would get breakfast on the way. At the time I didn't know that we were going to live with my Aunt and cousin in my old home town Tulsa, but I was happy to be getting out of this shit hole!


"Not long now, we'll be there soon. Hang in there okay, Elle?" Her soft voice matched her appearance perfectly. My mom looked young for someone who was in there late 30's. Her golden blond locks fell perfectly on her shoulders and her smile could brighten anyone's day, except my dads, he's just a big black cloud.

My mom has these dazzling blue eyes, the same as mine, but apart from that we don't look anything alike.

"Elle?" I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I had forgotten to answer her "Yeah" I replied calmly. I sat back into the car seat and looked up. We had been driving for at least 6 hours now and only taking a few pit stops along the way.

As I was saying, I have my moms eyes but people always say I look like my dad. And you can bet I don't really take it as a compliment!

I have light golden brown hair that I usually sweep up into a pony tail and my baby hairs fall against my pale cheeks. Like I have said, my eyes are like my moms, a dazzling sapphire blue. Freckles are dotted along my nose and under eye area.

I stare at my mom for a few seconds. She doesn't have freckles along her nose like I do and her baby hairs don't fall against her cheeks like mine do. It's times like this when I notice all the little details around me.

I glance out the window again. The trees still blurring past my eyes.


When we arrive at the front of my aunt Clovers house the door swings open followed by a small  red head woman with a big genuine smile plastered on her face, she runs towards the car.

I step out into the cool air and and the small woman wraps her arms around me embracing me with a warm hug. "Aunty Clover! It's been so long!" I cheered  and she let go of me. Her emerald green eyes beginning to fill with tears. "5 years is too long sweetie, too long!" She cupped my face. "The last time I saw you, you were a little 10 year old who would be running around this neighborhood!" She laughed as a tear fell from her eye.

My mom came around from the other side of the car and instantly started to bawl when she saw her, she ran up and hugged her sister and they were both crying now. I smiled at them, I wish I had a sister, or even a brother. But I don't mind to much.

I turned to look at Clovers small, but homey, house. I noticed someone standing leaned up against the doorway, a small smirk on his face, similar to Clovers smile.

His dark blonde hair was greased heavily back but a little bit at the front was left in a sort of duck tail. I waved and smiled at him. He pushed him self off against the doorway and strolled towards me.

"Good to see you Kieth!" I laughed opening my arms to hug him. "Long time, no see cousin"

A/N:I hope you enjoyed this story, I know its not the best but the next chapter will be more exciting I hope and I just wanted to introduce Elle in this chapter and get her backstory all over with so I hope you continue to keep reading and vote please!! If there's any mistakes or errors please comment I love constructive criticism!
Okay that's all haha!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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