Chapter 4 : Where Did I Go Wrong?

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It's been another week since the accident and the antidote is no where near finished. I was told I have at least a month of watching Draco untill they can change him back. It doesn't really bother me because he behaves himself and doesn't talk much around other people.

I was with Ron and Hermionie in the common room that night (with the child who loves to sleep) we were doing our homework and talking about the past weeks events. It was just the same old stuff so I wasn't really paying attention to them. I thought that mabye now would be a good time to tell them I'm gay...but leave out the Draco-being-my-crush part "Ron, H-hermionie?" They both turned to look at me "Yes Harry, is something wrong?" Here goes nothing "Well nothing's wrong I I have something important to tell you guys but I don't think you'll react well." What am I doing? Their gonna hate me "Harry-" Hermionie placed a reassuring hand on my back and gave me a smile "just tell us, it seems to be bothering you a lot." Mabye she will accept it but what about Ron? He can be pretty judgy when he wants to be. I'll just say it and whatever happens, happens "Well I'm...I'm...g-gay" there I said it. Hermionie told me she didnt care who or what I liked but Ron was silent. After what felt like hours he stood up without so much a word and walked up to his room. Well so much for being accepted.

Hermionie told me that she would talk to him in the morning. It was late so I carried Draco up to our room and layed him down to sleep. I was up for about another hour or so worring about what Ron would do. Would he tell? Would he stop being my best mate? I hated thinking about those things but if any of them did happen, it is pretty much my fault for telling.

The next morning Draco woke me up "Harry Harry I want breakfast" as if that wasn't enough he started jumping on the bed "I'm sorry Draco give me a few minutes to get ready alright?" "Okay" I got up got ready and helped Draco get ready. I carried him to breakfast on my back but I didn't mind much.

We got there and Ron didn't look up untill I sat down. Hermionie was no where in sight "Harry mate I'm sorry for storming off yesterday...its just alot to take in. I mean I've known you for 7 years and I didn't even realize it. No wonder none of your relationships have worked out. Can you forgive me?" Thank God he's not mad "I think I can forgive you this time. Where is Hermionie at?" I looked around and still didn't see her. It's not like Hermionie to be late "Professor Dumbledore asked to speak to her about all the classes shes been taking...something about being able to handle them all, and I dont blame 'em its hard seeing her work herself up like this." "Yeah I agree" i looked over at Draco who was happily eating bacon and eggs "Mate how come your not eating?" Ron asked curiously "Erm...I'm not hungry" Lie. Complete lie. I'm starving. But that's the point.

It was Saturday and Draco got bored quickly after breakfast so I took him to Hogsmead (With Professor Dumbledores permission of course) he wanted to go everywhere. He pulled me to Honeydukes where I bought him sweets (hey I got money) then to Zonkos where I bought him some more stuff, then to the Three Broomsticks where I got a butterbeer and got Draco juice (he is very, severely, underaged) he finally wore himself out by running around and talking about animals and toys on repeat and finally wanted to go back to the castle as soon as we got to the room I noticed he had fallen asleep while I carried him. He sure does love to sleep.

It was Sunday morning and I got woken up again by Draco "WAKEY WAKEY I WANNA SEE SNAPEY" he finally stopped when I started to sit up "You wanna go see Snape?" "Yes I do." "Okay" I did our normal routine then took him to breakfast and up to the teachers table where Snape sat "He woke me up this morning saying he wanted to see you." Snape cracked a smile "Did he?" "Yep. He did." Draco ran under the table over to Snape who mutterd something to Draco who nodded "He says he wants to spend the day with me to give you a little break Potter" I breathed a sigh of relief. I finally get a break. I waved to Draco and sat down with Ron and Hermionie.

I have to admit, its kinda boring without Draco. I'm used to playing games and walking around the castle with him. Hermionie told me to relax and that Dracos in good hands with Snape (did I mention Snape Is Dracos godfather?) and that I shouldn't worry and should relax. I was fine for about an hour then my mind wandered to what would happen when Draco was turned back. Would he hear about this and kill me? Would he act like nothing happend? Would he even thank me? I have no idea what he may do and that scares me.

It was lunch time and even though I skipped breakfast I'm not going to eat lunch. Ron and Hermionie asked me to go but I declined and made up a lie that I had to finish some homework. They (mostly Ron) didnt think twice about how I seemed to have stopped eating again for the past 2 weeks. I'm starving but again, that's the point. Mabye they aren't going to bring it up again. After they left I layed in my bed looking up at the ceiling being drowned in thoughts of Draco. Thoughts of him before he was changed into a child. He hates me, he would never like me but what Snape its better if I dont get my hopes up. I heard the crowd of people just down the hall. Lunch was over. The rest of the day went by slowly.

Its finally time for dinner. I didn't eat but no one noticed which was a good thing. Me and Ron were talking (more like lisening to Ron rant) about school work and how they give us way to much when I felt a tug on my robe sleeve and sure enough it was Draco "Hi Draco" "Hollow Hawwy. Snapy told me to come back." I couldn't help but smile "Well come on eat dinner." I hoisted him up on the seat and gave him what he said he wanted. Draco, child or not, made me happy.

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