Chapter 1 : Im Fine I Swear

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(Written in Harry's pov throughout unless said otherwise)

It was Wednesday that means I have double potions today. Double potions was literal hell sometimes as Snape made us brew more difficult and complex potions. I pulled my curtains aside and got out of bed. I had an hour before breakfast started so I decided I'd take a quick shower then wake up Ron.

I got back to my room and the first thing I saw was that I was right, Ron was still asleep and that I would have to wake him up. Me being the good friend that I am, attempted to wake him up nicely... attempted "Ron. Ron. Rooon" He wouldn't budge. I tried for a few more minutes but it was clear that shaking him and being nice wasn't working so I took to the helpful method Mrs. Weasley used when her kids wouldn't wake up...especially Ron "RONALD WEASLY GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!" At that he shot up and fell out of bed in a rush before realizing where he was "WHA- BLOODY HELL HARRY!" I couldnt help but double over laughing as he started grumbling at me.

Ron and I were just on time for breakfast. After smelling and seeing the buffet of food Ron quickly forgot about being mad at me and dashed over to the seats Hermionie had saved for us, grabbing at the food even before he sat down. I on the other hand took my time. After all I wasn't very hungry or in any hurry to be questioned again about why I wasn't eating for the 2nd week in a row. I had to walk right by the Slytherin table which during any other year would have been a nightmare. But after the war and whatnot Malfoy never really teased me. He told me once he was grateful I helped pull him away from the wrong side...albeit it wasn't in person, but he still told me. I could tell he was still upset about having lost both his parents. Yes he despised his father but losing him had taken just as big a toll on him as losing his mother had.

I sat down and started poking my food. I hated when I had to come down here. I didnt want to eat, or feel hungry for that matter. Hermionie tells me it's just trauma from the war and if I eat it will go away but I can't eat much without getting sick soon after. Yes ill admit, I never had an appetite to begin with since I lived with the Dursley's and was regularly starved but it got worse and Hermionie and Ron could tell better than anyone "Harry you look way thinner than before." Hermionie said in a worried tone and Ron shook his head (his mouth was to full of food to speak) in agreement as his eyes flickered with worry "Guys I'm fine. Seriously...I'm just...not hungry" I said being as honest as I could be "Harry no you aren't you havent eaten in weeks-" "Only 2" I corrected "Whatever. But Harry were worried about you. Me and Ron have talked and were both very worried for you...I know you dont like these discussions so I will leave it here." Both her and Ron gave me reassuring smiles "I know not eating anything is bad but I'm fine I dont need food I'm used to this really...I'll let my body tell me when it's time to eat... I'm gonna go ok?" Hermionie gave me a worried look "Alright then Harry. Goodbye. See you in potions." She waved a small wave before returning to her book "Yeah 'mate see ya" "Bye" I said sheepishly as I walked out.

(Draco's pov)

Did I hear right? Harry hasn't been eating? And he's used to it because those awful muggles starved him? Now that I've heard that I notice he does look smaller. It hurts me to see him like that. I absolutely hate it. I've gotta do something about it.

(Harry's pov)

I walked to potions not feeling like I normally do. How could they care about me? I put them in danger...I put so many people in danger. I'm the reason Fred and so many others met their tragic end. I could feel tears stinging my eyes at the thought of the screams and shouts...many of them faded away after a few seconds as the pain became so much they either blacked out then died or just dropped on the spot. At the thought of all the bodies on the grounds tears began silently falling. It was no suprise I was depressed now. I shook the thought away and sat down waiting for the rest of the class I sat there as I wiped my tears and the ones threatening to fall.

As everyone flooded into the room, my eyes instantly darted and glued to the tall pale blond as soon as he entered the room. No one knows that I like him...or that I'm gay. I don't plan on telling anyone, but I have the feeling Hermionie knows. Why is she so smart? I pulled my eyes away from him when Snape strutted in and started to speak of the potion we would be brewing today.

It was a Ageing Potion but it did the reverse, it instantly made you a 3 year old child and could only be reversed by going throughout life again or when the antidote was administered. I was actually excited. I had gotten a lot better at potions and my grade was up. Snape actually on my Hiccoughing Potion. He paired us up. I only listened for my name "Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy" Malfoy didn't try to complain he just sat and waited for me to go over so we could start. Once everyone was with their partners Snaped announced something that he said was of upmost importance "This is of upmost importance. No one will be testing this as it is very dangerous. If you do somehow ingest it, it will be about a good month before you get turned back to normal." And with that he turned around and started to grade papers.

Draco and I worked in silence untill he abruptly stopped and turned to me whispering "Potter I have to tell you that I over heard your conversation at breakfast." He bit his bottom lip nervously "And I'd...I'd really like if you tried to eat." He sighed "I can't bear to see you like this" he turned back and started working on the potion again as if nothing had happend. I just sat there shocked.

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