Chapter 7 : Twisted Fate

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So Draco pulled Harry into a broom closet...I'm not wrighting that so use your imagination.

We walked out of the broom closet disheveled. We started to make our way back to our dorms and before we parted Draco pulled my in for a kiss. He leaned his forehead on mine "it was a twisted fate that brought US together." I chucked "yeah it was." We said our good byes and headed to our dorms. I knew I would like being with Draco and that I never wanted to leave him.

The year went by. Draco and Harry moved in together and raised Teddy. They got married a few years later.

I try had no idea what I wanted to so with this so I'm sorry I ended it this way. I'm changing the copyright to a free domain so if anyone wants to edit and keep going then please do.

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