Chapter 3 : Babysitter

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I'm now in Dumbledores office sitting with Snape with a tiny Draco in my lap playing with my hand. Snape was right he refused to be anywhere except with me. Dumbledore and Snape are silently talking trying to think of what they could do to fix this...this problem.

I overheard Dumbledore say it was going to take at least a month (maximum of 2 months) to make the antidote, and since Draco flat out refused to leave me alone they had to set up a whole new system for me "Harry I'm sorry to say but you are going to have to be a...babysitter if you will. He simply won't leave you. You will have to take him everywhere for the next month or so." "Alright but...why is he attached to me like this?" Dumbledore looked at Snape who just nodded at him. Snape then stepped forward and explained "We have concluded that Draco is attached to you like this because of you before the mishap." Well there it is, stated as plain as the scar on my face...Draco likes me. It's just his child mind that wont let him hide it. I realized Draco had fallen asleep and I had absent mindedly held onto the small child so he didn't fall. He woke up in about 5 minutes and wouldn't go back to sleep. This was going to be a long night.

I have to admit that so far I don't hate having to 'babysit' Draco. The thing I dont like is that he never wants to leave my side which was a problem when I had to shower that night, it took me an hour to convince him to sit on the counter and entertain himself while I showered but he ended up talking to me the whole time. I can't wait to tell the normal sized Draco this.

It was the next day and luckily Draco slept in his own bed (we got a private room for our little predicament) I woke him up and had to help him get dressed. He then asked me to carry him to classes after breakfast. I said no at first but he gave me puppy dog eyes. Draco or no Draco I got guilt tripped into carring him. We finally got to class and I tried to set him down but he wouldn't let go so I ended up having to let him sit in my lap and use my robe as a blanket as he ooh'd and aww'd at my class work and tried his best to help.

After class Ron walked up to me "Harry 'mate I'm sorry you have to babysit the ferret." I dont know what snapped inside me but when he called Draco ferret I got defensive "Ron his name is Draco and I'd prefer if you'd call him that." I didn't care that I had just defended my enimie child or not. Ron just looked bewildered at this "Comon Ron let's just go to potions already." I mumbled leading the way with Draco on my back.

We finally got there and I sat down with Draco who, again, was using my robe as a blanket. Snape walked in and flashed Draco a smile then a smaller one to me and nodded. He had a soft a soft spot for Draco but not for me I guessed he was going to be nice untill they got Draco back to normal. He started us on our work (we were not brewing potions today) he came over to me and bent down to look like he was addressing my paper "I see your taking good care of him?" "Yes I wouldn't want him to get hurt or worse, die now would I?" Snapes eyes went wider and wider as he processed what I said I could tell he was possibly thinking something along the lines of 'The two boys like each other and are to dumb to notice.' (Pansy recently told me I'm all Draco ever speaks about and was pretty sure he liked me) I just smiled at this. He stood up "Talk to me after class Potter." He then winked at me, he never winked not even at Draco. I then realized later he did that not to yell at me but so we could talk and people would hopefully not try to stay and overhear.

"Alright Potter...Harry I mean, I am very happy to see your taking care of little Draco here" he motioned towards Draco who was again playing with my hand "I couldn't help but think over what you told me in class... so I must you truely care for him?" I hesitated not wanting to answer truthfully in slight fear of what Snape would do or say. It was suprising that I could fight a wizarding world known madman and not show a hint of fear, but be scared to death of a Hogwarts Professor. Well what did I have to lose? My dignity. "Er...y-yes. I do really care for him child or not." Snape seemed to think before speaking "I only have one more question." "A-and what may that be?" Ok now I was really scared "Do you have feelings for Draco?" Yep really nervous "If I s-said yes...would you t-tell him w-when hes back to n-normal?" And now I'm stuttering, great. Why am I so scared? "No Harry I would not because that is for you to tell him yourself." He quickly changed the subject "Had Draco been good at all?" "Yes surprisingly. It's real different from his normal attitude." "Well as long as he is okay, and it seems he is, then it seems everything is in order." I got up to leave and right before I got to the door Professor Snape stopped me "Oh and Harry. Draco fancies you to. He talks to me about you all the time. You may go now." I could just feel myself blush as I left the classroom with an unconscious Draco in my arms. At least I knew I had a chance.

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