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The Mountains of the northeast were the perfect place to recover from a severe battle wound. In an old mill, by a creek, a frail old woman sits, awaiting a needed package. The woman sat in the topmost room, sitting on an old stump, her robes of black and purple satin frayed, ripped, and caked in mud. What was once unseen, was a rat's nest of long, black hair. Her gnarled, green hued hands clutched her stomach, where a mass of blood oozed from a severe cut. She heard the caw of a Raven, and she looked up, to see a large, hawk-sized Raven, carrying in it's black talons a cloth bag. He swooped in, and dropped it into the woman's lap, and perched on the windowsill. The woman hastily opened the bag with her wrinkled hands, and she gasped in glee. "Diablo, you are ever so loyal..." She rasped, her lime green eyes twinkling beneath her layers of hair. She pulled out a circular, crystal vial, with a sickly green fluid within it's container. She popped off the cork that sealed it, and wispy tendrils of smoke emitted from it. She raised her shaky, frail arm, and said, "To a new world to reign," and drank the fluid. She gasped, and dropped the vial, shattering it on the ground. Her body lurched, as tendrils of the potion wrapped around the room, and swirling around the woman, who started to levitate, her dress going from shredded fabrics to glossy, long, black and purple robes, her hair swirling around, into a horned headdress, and her skin greened into a crisp green apple hue. Her skin tightened, producing smooth, yet rough skin, her hands returned to their original, claw-like state, her nails lengthening and reddening. Her face came to it's original state, a prominent chin, purple eyeshadow, ruby red lips, and smooth green skin. The potion didn't stop there. Returned to her former glory, the beautiful sorceress harnessed the excess magic, and transformed the room into a dark, castle-like throne room, complete with a throne of thorns, brazers of green fire, and a long, black carpet leading to her seat of power. She summoned a golden scepter, and smiled. The Raven Diablo flew to his perch on her shoulder, and she petted him. "Where did you get such a potion, my pet? Surely you didn't return to our old home, correct?" She cooed to her blackbird. She smiled, and heard a door slam shut behind her. She looked, and saw three trolls and a goblin trudge in, their armor battered and hastily put on. "It is about time you arrived. Answer me some questions, and you can return to your barracks, which I am currently restoring." She solemnly stated, sitting to her throne. The goblin stepped forth, and asked, in a raspy, high-pitched voice, "Ask us anything, M'lady of Darkness, and we will answer honestly." She smiled, and asked, stroking Diablo absently, "Tell me, what year is it?" "Eh, from our surroundings, my lady, it is 2013. The twenty-first century." He rasped, and the woman smirked, musing with curiosity. "And, where did my pet retrieve this potion?" She said, lovingly petting Diablo's feathers. The goblin picked up one of the shards, and sniffed it with his large nose. He set it down, and said, "I don't know, Maleficent, my queen." She sighed, and said, "You are dismissed. Go." They fled the room, obeying her orders. She sighed, and looked in her scepter. "Show me the danger that is to distrust my plans." She ordered, and, through the mist, was a girl, with hair as dark as the night, eyes of the stormiest clouds, and skin as fair and pale as sand on a beach. Maleficent was confused. A girl? She seemed to be not of much of a threat, but Maleficent saw a startling amulet; silver, in the shape of the oldest and greatest enemy of hers; Mickey Mouse, possibly the closest of allies of Disney's. She also felt a strong presence of Magic. Though she was a very strong sorceress, she was still weak against this type of magic. So, she waved her hand over the shattered remains of the vial, and they rose into the air, forming a mirror-like shape; a scrying glass. She stood in front of it, and said, raising her scepter to the fragile surface, "Show me the God of the Dead." The surface shimmered, and showed a throne room in a cavernous area. She saw a blue-gray humanoid, draped in a black toga, with blue flames for hair, sitting on a throne of bones, drinking a glass of spirits. She interrupted his little time of peace, by saying, "Greetings, My Lord." He spat out his beverage, and the drink disappeared in a wisp of smoke. "Mal, it's good to see you, babe! I see you drank that potion I sent you with your bird. It worked perfectly." He said, his grin showing his sharp fangs. She smirked, and said, "Let's not beat around the bush, here. We've got a problem on our hands. A girl, will soon disturb our plans for ruling the worlds, and I want you to keep an eye on her, see what she can do. She also bears the amulet of Mickey Mouse. She even emits a strong presence of magic." As she said this, The Lord of the Dead started to get very agitated, causing his flame-like hair to ignite a bit more. After Maleficent reported her findings, Hades exploded in outrage, causing the glass to shake, holding in the power. "WHAAAAAAAAAAT??!?!" He shrieked, his flames and skin reddening. He then calmed down, stating he was fine. Maleficent stepped back some, watching the glass quiver.

"Hades, control your temper! This glass if fragile, so keep your calm!" She ordered. The god of the dead took a couple of deep breaths, and stated coolly, "Okay, okay, I'll send Pain and Panic to keep an eye on the babe, okay? And, If I need to, I can torment her some..." He zapped out, and the glass clattered onto the ground, half melted. She smirked. Hopefully, she'll find a way to destroy the girl, and her plans will soon become real, and she will rule the worlds, invincible and strong.

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