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Okay like i said i hate Yoonmin with all my heart but it's not Yoongi and Jimin, It's some of the people that ship it, I really appreciate the Yoonminions >< who are respectful to other ships unlike other Yoonmin shippers like I know soo many people in my old school saying Yoonmin was real and shit and Yoonseok wasn't...

Everybody has diffrent perspectives bitches.

But yeah i only like chibi fanarts of Yoonmin cause it so Uwu 💜 Once again I don't hate Jimin he's the softest little mochi creature i have ever met!

Words: 1604


Author's P.O.V
Hoseok was wondering why Yoongi was a little too distant from him these days, Whenever he asked Yoongi to hangout with him Yoongi would say things like 'Oh i'm busy' or 'I'm hanging out with Jimin!'.

It wasn't that Hoseok was angry at Jimin, He was just jealous that Jimin was always the one who Armys shipped with Yoongi and Yoongi gave all of his attention in Jimin.

So now the whole Bangtan group was sitting and watching a documentary about their concert and Hoseok couldn't help but look at Jimin and Yoongi.

Jimin was sitting on the floor and Yoongi sitting on the chair, Yoongi removed Jimin's hood just to play with his hair, When Jimin cringed at himself Yoongi laughed so beautifully and took Jimin's small hand into his larger ones.

Hoseok thought They would make a better couple than me and Yoongi, At this point I don't even feel like me and Yoongi are dating. When Hoseok's song came up, He expected for Yoongi to give him atleast one compliment but all he got was compliment from the other members but he still appreciated it, And all he got from Yoongi was just a straight expression.

Hoseok chewed on his bottom lip to stop himself from letting out tears almost making it bleed.

"I'll just go to the bathroom" He said and got up from the couch going to the restroom, And there he let out his tears fall on the sink.

He covered his mouth to not let out any sound.

Hoseok fished in his pocket to find his handy blade, You might be wondering why.

Well...Hoseok's depression came back and he needed to relief stress and that was by cutting himself, The sense of euphoria came back to him so he started cutting himself.

He cut his wrist and said "Please stop...Please...stop" He sobbed and he felt a small feel of relief rushed through his body.

Hoseok sighed heavyly and washed his arm and bandaged it and wore his extra black hoodie because the one he wore got blood on it.

He went back to the room and the first thing he saw was Yoongi and Jimin laughing together, He went back to his seat and didn't focus on the thing they were watching anymore.


Hoseok thought everything was just a dream but it wasn't, He sighed as he got out of his bed and changed into a black hoodie and some pants he found laying around, His outfit was obviously got zero effort on it 'cause Who I'm impressing today? No one! He thought.

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