Cute Crushes

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Hey guys! I was writing this at 1am lol, Oh and by the way I got this idea by a random picture, I don't even know why Lmao.

This is kinda clichè so buckle that seat belt right there tight, Oh and I have a new theme.

Words: 22O1


-Cute Crushes

-Cute Crushes

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Author's P.O.V
Hoseok took a deep breath before stepping in his school bus, He was nervous and even himself didn't even know why.

He then walked to his original spot which was the third to the last row of the bus, Hoseok adjusted his book and glasses alittle before going to sit down near the window.

Hoseok took out his sketch and opened it to the recent page that he was currently sketching at the moment, While ignoring the annoying chatters of his school mates.

Yeah, Hoseok was the nerdy that liked to sketch of the school, But alot of people found him cute rather than picking on him.

Sure he has some friends here or there but he was the closest to the school's volley ball player, Kim Namjoon. They have been best friends ever since the first day that Hoseok came into the school, They're literally like brothers.

Hoseok tapped his feet on the bus' floor as he hummed a random song as he sketches details on the drawing.

He then felt the empty space beside him get occupied by someone, No one has ever sat next to Hoseok other than Namjoon.

He looked over to the person and saw, Min Yoongi.

Hoseok's mind went utterly blank and he became frozen, You might be wondering why.

Well, Min Yoongi is a part of the school's band which also includes Kim Seokjin, Namjoon's boyfriend and Park Jimin.

Yoongi is the drummer of the group, Hoseok was in awe as he would stare at Yoongi as he would perform in their auditorium.

He's a falls over heels for Yoongi, Like I mean who would't right? That's why their group was a big yes for the girls in their school.

Yoongi is a student who loves to play soccer and loves to play instrument just like drums, Guitar and piano. He's also super passionate about his dreams about being a future producer.

Hoseok would walk pass the music room amd catch Yoongi sitting on the piano seat, Playing a not so familiar song.

Get a hold of yourself Hoseok! Hoseok internally screamed and took a deep breath to calm himself down, He didn't want to get embaressed infront of his crush would he?

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