One happy family

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Another fluff so that it'll balance with all the smut i'm doing so this one's a family Au, I like this idea though Hehe 😂

- Cute family Au
- Suga and Hobi is back
- Basically Uwu times

Small heads up!
! Suga and Hobi aren't their full name they're just nicknames, Because I don't know any korean names to call them !

Words: 1O39


-One happy family

-One happy family

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Author's P.O.V
After Yoongi got home, It was already 8:00 in the morning because he took the night shift for today.

Yoongi sighed and saw his beautiful husband and kids "Babies, Daddy's home" Yoongi called and smiled when his kids got off their seats and ran to hug him.

"Daddy!" They both yelled and he chuckled, Ruffling their hair. Yoongi smiled when he saw Hoseok cooking "Kids, Get back to your seats~" Hoseok cooed.

The kids immediantly listen but had a pout on their lips, Yoongi laughed and kissed their forehead.

Yoongi went to backhug Hoseok, The latter giggled and turned his head for a kiss which Yoongi gladly gave.

"Eww" Suga yelled and Hobi said "It's cute hyung!!' The parents laughed.

Hoseok turned around and placed the freshly-made plate of pancakes on the table making the two kids squeal in delight.

"Okay kids, Eat up now and mommy will be taking you to school!" The two kids lifted their arms in the air and said "Yay!" making Hoseok amd Yoongi chuckle at their cuteness.


Yoongi grabbed a cushion pillow and placed it under his head as he layed down on the couch after getting food and taking a good shower.

Hoseok had left to drive the kids to school, It was a friday so he could finally think of what he could do with his family.

While thinking about he didn't noticed that he already has fallen asleep with an arm over his eyes.

Blocking out the sunlight the reflected through the mirror.

Once Hoseok got home, His eyes immediantly locked with a sleeping Yoongi, Hoseok smiled and close the front door.

Hoseok placed the car key on the coffee table and sat down on the carpet infront of Yoongi "You were so tired, Weren't you?" Hoseok said to the sleeping figure.

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