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Todoroki and (M/N) arrived to class sharing laughter and smiles. People around them were pretty shocked. Some were even a bit jealous.


Because (M/N) is just fucking awesome.

When they got inside, they went to their respected seats. (M/N) laid his head on the desk. He began to drift off, and soon fell into the abyss of sleep. No one was in the classroom yet besides him and Todoroki, so he could get a good nap at least.

About 3 minutes of sleeping later, Bakugou arrived. He saw (M/N), and suddenly had aggressive mode on. He stomped over to (M/N)'s desk, and unfortunately didn't notice the bad dream he was having. (M/N) was sweating profusely, shaking and mumbling in his sleep. But Bakugou, being the asshole that he is, failed to notice that. He arrived at (M/N)'s desk.

"WAKE UP LITTLE SHIT!" Bakugou slammed his hands on (M/N)'s desk with such force, that the desk had dents in it. The sudden loud noise startled (M/N) from his sleep, making him shoot up. He didn't even form a correct sentence. The only words he could think of, were "Papyrus!"

Bakugou arched an eyebrow at the name. 'Isn't Papyrus some sort of fucking paper brand or shit?'

No you dumbass fuc-

Oh wait-

"What the hell?"

(M/N)'s eyes darted across the room,  hoping to see his brother, or a memory of him. But, he knew that Papyrus, his Papyrus, was dead. Hed had tears collecting in his eyes, and tried to blink them back, but one managed to slip out without him noticing.


Like a switch turned on, Todoroki was at (M/N)'s side in an instant. He glared at Bakugou, who was glaring back. To be honest, it was like an omega wolf in between two alphas. It was a bit frightening for (M/N).

Bakugou looked at (M/N), who looked at Bakugou with glossy eyes. He quickly wiped them away with his jacket sleeve, and sniffed.

'Ah shit-'


He sat back down in his seat, but Todoroki didn't leave his side. (M/N) looked up, and Todoroki just looked down at (M/N). There was only one thing that he could do.

Comfort him.

Todoroki immediately embraced (M/N) in a hug, but it was at the worst possible moment. The doors bursted open, scaring (M/N) a bit, and that's when all hell broke loose.




"I didn't know you swing that way Todoroki-"

"Shut the hell up you perverted grape."

The class bombarded Todoroki and "Sans" with questions. This made
(M/N) very uncomfortable. He buried his face in his hood, and groaned. Todoroki held a hand up, which surprisingly shut up the class.

"While we absolutely enjoy your company, can (M/N) and I please just have a moment with each other? I'm trying to comfort him." There was obvious annoyance laced in his voice. The class sat down and talked about random nonsense. Todoroki turned back to (M/N), and smiled faintly.

"Thanks" (M/N) whispered. Todoroki replied with a "no problem." Todoroki got up, and walked back tg o his desk, and sat down in it. (M/N) Just fell back asleep.

That's when Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida entered the room.

Midoriya instantly went over to (M/N)'s desk, followed by Uraraka, and Iida. Midoriya went to wake (M/N) up, but felt one, no, a few stinging glares on him. He looked around the room to see who was glaring at him.

Todoroki and Shit Explosions-


Midoriya decided to be the dumb bunny and poke (M/N) anyways. He continued to poke (M/N)'s cheek repeatedly, calling his name everyone he poked the cheek.

"Riya, please stop." (M/N) muttered. He groggily opened his eyes and looked up at Midoriya. He gave Midoriya a lazy smile. Midoriya smiled back, feeling the harsh glares on him become worse.

With a slight slur in his voice, (M/N) spoke. "So, what brings ya here Riya?"

Midoriya flushed at the nickname that (M/N) gave him. "Hah!?? W-Why the n-nickname (L/N) - kun?" (M/N) blankly looked at Midoriya.

"There's really no need for that."

Midoriya tilted his head. "For what?"

(M/N) sighed, and laid his head on the desk, closing his eyes. "For the 'kun', 'chan', 'senpai' thing, ya know? Just call me Sans. Simple as that."

The three nodded. Aizawa walked into class, with a stack of papers in his hand. The class groaned.

"You will be taking a test." Aizawa tiredly stated. He smirked, which didn't go unnoticed by (M/N).

'Oh no.'

"The test has only two questions." The class cheered after hearing that announcement.

'Oh shit-'

Aizawa opened the packet, that had a lot of work in it. His smile grew wider. "Each with 26 parts."

It was like a stake was shoved into the heart's of the students. (M/N) just laid back on his desk, closing his eyes and falling asleep. Aizawa got the Res spikey haired kid to pass out the papers, but Aizawa whispered into his ear before letting him pass the tests out. While everyone was expecting their tests (some impatient), (M/N) simply walked out of the room, leaving the class to stare with mouths agape.

"Close your mouths. You'll get flies."


Aizawa sighed. He held up three fingers.

"1. Because since he lives with me temporarily, he helps grade papers.
2. He's pretty smart, so I gave him the test early.
3. I can tolerate him more than this class." Aizawa finished. The class still stared at him with shock. Aizawa looked up, and glared at the class. "Do your tests, NOW."

That got the class working.


Meanwhile, (M/N) was wondering through the halls, thinking to himself, until he stopped in front of a tall person. He looked up, and saw that the tall person was Papyrus.

"Hey Carrot. How ya doin' today?"
(M/N) tiredly asked. Papyrus just looked down at  (M/N) and smiled. "Been pretty good shortcake. I made a few friends. Chara included. She seems to get the guys in Class 1-C."

(M/N) chuckled. "Of course she is."

They started walking together, talking, sharing bad puns. Unknown to them though, a few students were watching them. A few, troublemakers.

"You sure that's them?" One upperclassmen asked, a bit of worry hinted in her voice.

"Yeah. Definitely them." Two other upperclassmen said, bad things printed on their minds.


Let's get em'."


Hope you like this chapter guys. See you in the next one, bye.

Bad time trio (Bnha x Male! Sans reader)Where stories live. Discover now