Earth's Magic Clan

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 It's now time for Quince and I to go down to earth. I'm excited to see Bella again. Jayden and I are friends again and she's started seeing Nilo. But oh well I mean Nilo and I are friends again too. "Quince you ready?" I shouted as I walked outside. "Yeah." He said. The only people there was Jayden, Dasiey, Cici, and Finn. Cici is his wife and Finn is his son.

I went up to Jayden and said "Don't get to fat while I'm gone. Don't want my home girl to be looking ugly now do I. I wouldn't be able to be seen with you." She laughed and then tackled me into a hug. "I love you. I'll always love you." she whispered in my ear and then she kissed me on the lips and disappeard as she did so. She isn't very good at goodbyes. I smiled at Dasiey and then wrapped my arms around her. "Take care of your big sister. And tell Charlie if he dose anything but get you pregnant I'll kill him and that's a promise." I said. "Bye Aden. I miss you already." Dasiey-Doo said. "Miss you already too." I answered then I looked over at Cici.

I wrapped my arms around her and said "Once they except us you have to come visist." I kissed her forehead then said "And don't forget to bring my nephew." She smiled at me. "Never would dream about it." She said as I picked up Finn. "Bye buddy. Just think by the time we get back you won't even be two months because I sware if you grow an inch I'm going to cast a spell to lock your age and size and all that mumbo jummbo." I said then I brought him down and kissed him on the cheak. He giggled and I smiled at him. Then I set him down. Quince got lucky. Normally once your past sixteen no kids. It's extreamly rare. Only happens once every millinia. But Quince is nineteen years old. Quince gave his family one last kiss then we were gone.

When we got there we decided to stay invisable. I saw her. The girl that I already meet. Bella Gold. "So I know how to work my powers and all of yours." Cody was saying. "With help from us." Quince said. All of a sudden I got a vision. I saw me looking down the isle and and the end of it was Bella walking in a wedding gown over to me. The vision was short but I could see all the girls checking me out. I had long blond hair with brown mixed in. The ends of my hair curled up just a little but yet it still ended at my eyebrows. I have big blue eyes and I might be a little tan. That's when the leader Emily thought "He's looking down like his confidense is gone. He seems shy and we like to pick on shy people." Then Bella walked up and stood next to her.  "So Aden you'r seventeen. You cant be as good as my uncle or dad or anybody from the old Generation Magic." Bella said. ."I love my family to much to let a stranger that say's he is a Teacher but yet a kid join in with out proof. I know it's Emily's job but I dont care. I will mack sure you arnt just a spy." Cody said. I brough my head up my eyebrows cocked. One up and one down. My eyes were gliming with more pride then even Quince and I grinned from ear to ear. "Cocky much?" Bella whispered. Actually I am. But I won't tell them that. Instead I said "No. I'm actually quit shy. Quince is the Cocky one." I whispered playing the role well.

"Aden are you going to let her talk to you like that?" Quince asked. "Well technically were out numbered but technically with the training I've been threw I could most likely win. But I dont like fighting with the people I'm supposed to be training. I cant wait to go home. Cristina is my mom and Cristopher is my dad." I said. "You'r lying Christopher and Cristina never had kids. Not according to the stories of the Teachers." Bella said standing up straighter questioning everything I say. That's kind of hot. But my pride is going to get the best of me. "Do you want proof that I'm there son. I can projuect it into every single one of you'r minds." I said defensivly as I was starting to get pissed off. If I can't even last ten minutes with them then how am I going to survive teaching them. I mean that vision did kind of help....but anyway. My hands were shackng but yet I was holding in my magic. And it's extreamly hard for me to do that. "You can talk the big talk but can you walk the big walk?" Emily asked with such confidence that I couldn't do what she's challenging me.

"Aden dont mom said if you use you'r power's down here there are massive concijuences and I dont want my baby brother to get hurt." Quince said. "Well they want proof it isnt like we dont know what the futcher is concidering we time travel alot and we can see the futcher. Just like Amanda,Piper,Rachel, and Sean. But anyway's you want the proof here it is." I said. Then just like a movie laid out infront of them appeared the only difference is there is no TV. I had long blonde hair even then my eye's were kinda brownish but I looked alot like the Aden before them. The baby me was smiling up at mom and dad then when I was a little boy I had the same long blonde hair but my eye's were blue. I hugged mom and dad then said "I have to go train with Teacher trainer's love you mommie and daddie." The movie of my life ended as the last glimps they saw me trying to convinse them. "Do you believe me now?" I asked.

They nodded then I saw Emily juging Quince. I have to agree with her though. Quince had this fun edge to him like he's looking for a fight or that he want's to just party his brains out. He has the same long blonde hair except his was more brown then blonde. His eye's were a dark blue and he just sat there with a flat grin. "Now what's your tragic life story because I didnt see you in there." Finica said. "Oh yeah you want mine to? Okay." Quince said his smile faded as the movie began. He had blonde hair with bright blue eye's the only diffrence between Q and I were the size. Quince was smaller. Then when he was a little boy he had even brighter blue eyes with a brown and blonde mohawk and a long grin on his face. It showed him holding me. It ended with his big smile. "Why are you always smiling?" Initia asked. Getting sick again. "Because I find just having this little power makes you sick, funny. I have all the powers in the world. But you dont see me thowing up." Quince said. "Brother be nice. I'm sorry he get's mad when he's forced to use his power on earth. There's a cure to felling sick about it Inita and Hannah." I said.  "Oh really. Could you give it to us?" They asked. "No the cure is in you'r brain. Convinse it that all this power isnt sicking it's sweet it's like cotten candy." I tolled them with a little chuckle. "Really thanks!" Initia squealed.

 "Were going to be teaching you all how to use your power. Starting with B3,Emmett, and Gavin." Quince said. "Well then you all have the same power come over here." I said. "Shield up." Quince orderd throwing a fire ball ice lightning and all that stuff at them. "Good. I want you to set the shield on lighning not you." I ordered.  "You want to fell the electricity and once you feel it push it out." Quince qickly put a shield around all of us including him and I. Because soon there were seven lighting shield's in the room and they were hitting our shield. "Good stop. Now I want fire. Feel the flame then push it out." Quince orderd. It was now blistering hot in here. I'm surprised the wrestling house didnt start on fire. "Good now drop the fire and shield. Now this is going to hurt but this will happen to us alot while were training you guys." I said. I put my hand out and slowly started to clost it. B3,Emmett, and Gavin all started screaming. Quince put up a shield around ther clan that blocked them from getting in. They couldnt even flash which is hell if your loved one is in here. And from the thoughts they all are very protective over these siblings. The minute I heard Bella scream and I saw the pain I was cosing I started to cry. I've never done this before.

"Brother I cant hurt her." I whispered stopping. The siblings still in massive pain where starting to breath again. I could tell everyone in this room were all dying to know why. I mean my brother and I kind of seam like a jackass. Because I am. I'm the biggest Jackass you could meet. I'll be the first one to admit that. But I've never been looked at like they are looking at me now. There all thinking I'm not as strong as I looked. "But there finger's have to be completly brocken like ours were." Quince said trying to getting me to snap back. "But I saw the futcher when I got here." I said. "That's why you were so quiet. What did you see that's stopping you." Quince said putting his hand up to finish the job that I started and couldnt finish. "Bella and I get married." I thought. All of a sudden instead of going slow Quinces fist closed abruptly and B3, Gavin, and Emmett screamed in pain. "You saw you and Bella getting married." Quince screamed. "Nice going dick! I'm outa here." I shouted storming out.

Then I turned invisible and flashed in. I looked at Initia and Hannah and thought "It's just me. Can you please move over so I can stand inbetween you?" I placed that in there brain. They did move over and I stood there. "Heal yourself." Quince ordered still enraged. Bella was the first one done and she waved away the shield. "What do you mean he saw him and I getting married?" She asked. "Well I mean he saw his futcher. It's marring you. You two fall deply in love and he saw that. That's why he couldnt finish his job. He's only a kid so I'll take over the traing for today." Quince said. Mackenna kissed Gavins cheek when I said madly inlove. There relationship is every Cupids life......I should tell Sophia my cupid niece about them!

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