Wildcat -- Wrong Time

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Bully!I AM WILDCAT × Depressed!Reader

|Warning| : Trigger, depressing

(L/n) - Last Name

= ♥ = °•°•°•

[ Your P.O.V ]

I sighed as I entered school, getting ready to get kicked and punched. I would fight back, but I'm too afraid that I'll get the blame.

My bullies were very popular in school. Their names are Wildcat, Delirious, Nogla, Lui, Basically, Terroriser and Vanoss.

Vanoss may be the leader, but once he tells his friends to leave to hurt me more. He comforts me, he brings me to the clinic. He would say sorry a bunch of times.


"I'll take it from here." Vanoss says, the guys look at him, suspiciously. "What do you-" before Delirious could finish, Vanoss answered, "I'm gonna teach her another lesson."

The guys nodded and left.

I looked at Vanoss, he was looking at me in pity. He crouched down to where I was, lying on the floor. He scooped me in his hands and carried me bridal style to the clinic.

"Why..?" I asked him, while trying to look at him. "Because I still have sympathy."

"Why do you guys bully me?" I asked, he stayed silent for a while. Once we entered the clinic, the nurse wasn't at all surprised, but she was concerned still. "Same as yesterday?" She asked, Vanoss nodded.

Vanoss lied me on a bed and sat on a chair near by.

"Because someone who is over our age is threatening to hurt you and our other friends." He says, "Why won't you tell the police?"

"Me and Delirious did, but the next day, Luke almost got kidnapped."

I shivered a little, but nodded.


That was two months ago. Wildcat, Delirious, Nogla, Lui, Basically and Terroriser actually like hurting people now. Vanoss was still the same.

But I am afraid if one of the guys find out, Vanoss might get hurt.

I opened my locker to get my first subject stuff, History. As I closed my locker, someone grabs me by my hair, then they throw me to the ground.

I tried getting up, but someone puts their foot on my back. I winced in pain as I heard them laugh.

"Look at this retard, trying to get up." I heard Wildcat say, Delirious laughed. Someone lifts my chin so I can face them, it was Lui.

"Look who's struggling now!" He said in his squeaker voice, he then puts my head back down in a violent way. The bell rings and I heard their footsteps leave.

I got up, I touched under my nose, feeling a warm substance. I then touched the back of my head, also feeling the same substance.

I would go to the clinic, but I have a massive headache as well. I limped my way to the clinic, then someone puts their arm around my shoulder, I looked to see who it was. Vanoss.

I gave a weak smile, but it quickly turned to a frown. "Where were you?" I asked him, he looks down. "I didn't set my alarm on my phone." He answers, I nodded, then he adds,

"I guess Delirious was right about buying a rooster, huh?" He laughed, I just giggled.

When we entered the clinic, the nurse wasn't around. Vanoss sighed, he set me on a bed. Then he grabbed a med kit and walked back to me.

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