Delirious -- Trust Me {2}

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[ Luke's P.O.V ]

"So, Jon, what do you think of (Y/n)?" I ask him, while standing up. He stood up and answered, "Their okay, I guess.." he quietly says.

Usually, if I ask him what he thinks of someone, he would just shrug. But this time, it was different.

"You like them, don't you?" I tease, Jon's face turned red. "N-no I don't!" Jon defends himself, I chuckled.

"Whatever you say Jonathan," I say, while walking back to my house. "C-can I have their number as well?" He asked, catching up.

"Why do you think I said we?" I ask him, he scoffs. I give him the piece of paper which has (Y/n)'s number on it. Jon takes it and types their number in on his phone.

He hands it back to me and then said, "See you tomorrow, Luke!" "Bye Jon!"


[ Your P.O.V ]

It's been almost a month since I've met Luke and Jonathan, I've been hanging out with the two almost every weekend. Everytime I would hang out with them though, Jonathan would always have his guard up. I understand why though.

Today, I'm gonna hang out with both of them again!

"Bye ma!" I called out to her then I heard a faint "Bye sweetie!" I smiled a little before closing the door, them I made my way to the park. Us three would always choose to hang out at the park because that's where we met and it's a pretty chill place I guess.

Suddenly my phone went off, I stopped walking as I pulled my phone out. I turned it on and looked at the notification... A message from Toonzy! It says,

" Change of plans, I won't be able to hang out with you two :'( "

" My pets need love, okay -.- "

I laughed a little bit at his message, I simply replied with an "okay!" before continuing the walk to the park... Once I made it, I saw Jonathan sitting on one of the benches then it seemed his phone went off, he checked it and his face.. went red? Is he sick or something?

He then puts his phone away, I shook my head then walked over to him. "Heyy Jonathan!" I greet him then sat near him (but not that near). He perked his head to me and sheepishly smiled, "Hey (Y/n).." He quietly greets me. I gave him a patient smile.

"You got that message from Toonzy?" I asked him. I started calling Luke Toonzy because he lets me and that we were friends. "Uh, y-yeah!" He answered.
"So what do you wanna talk about?" I asked while looking at the sky, it was such a nice color. Sky blue. I see why it's Jonathan's favorite color.

Jonathan muttered something under his breath and I (obviously) didn't hear it. "Uhhh, did you say something?" I asked while looking back at him. "No- y-yes!" He said and then sighed. "This may be uh, abird- ah I mean absurd.. but, will you go out with me?" He nervously asked and I noticed his face was very red. I giggled a bit before nodding.

"So you finally trust me?"

"Yeah.. when you put it like that, you are very right!"

What he did next took me by surprise, he gave me a hug. Of course, I hugged him back. Then he kissed me on the forehead.

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