Basically -- Quiet

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BasicallyIDoWrk × Quiet!Reader

I apologise for the lack of updates, I got caught up with YouTube :P

(H/l) - Hair Length
(H/c) - Hair Color
(L/n) - Last Name

= ♥ = °•°•°•

[ Marcel's P.O.V ]

"I'm so glad we both transferred to the same school, man." Tyler said and puts his History stuff in his locker, "Yeah, same.." I said and put my History stuff in my locker as well (except for the binder), after that, I grabbed my next subject stuff... Science. "Hey have you heard of the quiet kid?" Tyler suddenly asked, "Um, no?" I answered in a questioning tone. "Well from what I've heard, they have (h/l) (h/c) hair.." He said, I raised a brow. "And? Why are you telling me this?" He was about to answer but then we see a teacher. "Shit." We both said before rushing to our classes, the bell must've rang while we were talking... and we somehow didn't hear it.

I walked into class and the teacher wasn't hear yet, thank God. I looked around and noticed an empty seat near a (h/c) haired boy/girl, I walked over to them, "Um, can I seat here?" I asked them, they look up from their notebook and nodded. I mumbled a "thank you", and sat down on the chair near them. The teacher walked in, as I can tell, this will be a struggle.

"Okay class. Like I said yesterday, you would have a project due Friday." The teacher, Mr. Correo, said. "And you'll be working in pairs." He added, some of the class cheered and looked at their friends, I just looked around the room to see if I at least know anyone. Nope. "Assigned." Mr. Correo simply said, making everyone groan. I was fine with getting an assigned partner, I might make a new friend.

I see the teacher get his binder, he opens it and gets a piece of paper. He adjusted his glasses and began telling us our partners. "Marcel Cunningham and (Y/n) (L/n)." I looked around the room trying to see who '(Y/n)' was, suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked to my left and it was the (h/c) boy/girl. "You're (Y/n)?" I asked them, they nodded. "You don't like talking, do you?" I asked them, they just nodded again, a shy smile on their face. I then realized that this was the quiet kid Tyler was talking about.

(Y/n) then puts a ripped piece of paper on my desk, "You know anything about the Planets?" It said. I looked at them and just mumbled "yeah."
"Oh yeah? Then what's the second to the last planet?" I heard them ask quietly, "Uranu-" I cut myself off, (Y/n) suddenly gave me a cheeky smile. I playfully rolled my eyes at them. "Haha, sorry. Anyway here's my number!" They said quietly and hands me a folded piece of paper just as the bell rings. I unfolded the paper, making sure it wasn't a prank and it wasn't. I folded the paper back and put it in my pocket.

I gather my materials then exit the class. I walk to my locker, then saw David and Lui talking. "I got ye a drink!" David said, "It better be expired!" Lui said, I chuckled at this which made them look at me. "Oh heyy Marcel, who did you get for Science?" David asked as I opened my locker, "The quiet kid apparently." I said and put my books inside. "Wot, really? Well damn, that must be a struggle!" David commented, I shook my head. "I don't think it will, I mean they gave me their number.." I trail off, surprising them. "Really? Well that's.. shocking." Lui said, I just nodded.

It really was shocking. I mean, they are the "quiet kid", I thought talking with them would be a struggle, but apparently no.


[ Your P.O.V ]

I walked to the back of the school, I'm not one to skip classes... I only skip when I don't feel so good. Sure I could go to the Infirmary but I don't feel sick? It's just a weird feeling that I got from Science, I guess. I sat down near the doorframe and sighed.

' ' Maybe some alone time would help... ' '

I began wondering off into space, just staring in front of me. Suddenly I heard the doorknob jingle, I looked up and then stood up. The door opened and it was him. Maybe he could help with the situation I have? No wait, what is he doing here?

He notices me and just stares, I stare back. We just stare at each other for a while but thankfully he broke the silence. "So uh, come here often?" He asked, "No, not really.." I quietly said. "Why are you here anyway?" I asked, making sure to still be somewhat quiet. "Eh, I just skip if I wanna." He answered and sat down where I was, he looks up at me. "Why were you here?" He asked me, I look down at him. "I just come here if I don't feel well-" I cut myself off when he gave me a confused look, "N-no, not that. Today.. my emotions are kind of mixed up, I guess."

His confused look turned into a concerned one, he patted the ground near him mentioning for me to sit with him. I sat down near him and sighed. "So when did this happen, sir/ma'am?" He asked making me give a small smile. "Well it happened at Science time sir," He nodded and gestured to continue. "Well it actually started when I got paired." I said and looked away, he was quiet, did I say something wrong?

All of a sudden, he chuckled. "I think I know your problem, quiet kid."

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